I feel like a broken record but........I'M SO READY FOR SPRING!!! I spent my whole weekend in bed sick. I started getting sick Wednesday afternoon, just started out with a little cough then by the evening by body hurt and I was running a little bit of fever. Wednesday night is Shawnn's bowling night so Brayden and I go to Nadine's house for dinner. While there I started throwing up. Once I threw up a few times I did start feeling better. Thursday morning I woke up still hurting but because I had missed Monday and Tuesday of work I had to go in. I managed to make it until 12:30, went home and slept til 7:30!! I felt better Friday, but then Saturday I woke up feeling horrible again. I have this horrible cough and rattle in my chest. If I'm not better within a few more days I will go to the dr.,hoping I get better with over the counter meds, No insurance!
I just knew I was going to feel better yesterday, or at least I was hoping to, but I didn't. So this week is going to be a busy one. Tomorrow is the first day of Women Run Arkansas, which I'm so so excited about. Time to get ready for warmer weather!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cabin Fever
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/25/2008 1 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
It Has Been A Long Time
Well I've officially joined a walking club. This club starts next Tuesday and will meet every Tuesday and Thursday @ 6 pm for the next 10 weeks, ending with a 5K walk/run in Conway on the 10th of May. I found this thru another blogger and thought I would see what it was about. Man was I excited when I got on there and saw that it was FREE!! They have different levels to join but I'm going to start at the very bottom and hopefully next Spring I'll join the beginner's running. Shawnn and I have seriously talked about joining a gym and we are hopefully in a couple of weeks, it's just so expensive. The gym we used to work out at has started a Zumba class, which I can't wait to try out. It's 30 minutes of Zumba and then 30 minutes of kickboxing 3 times a week. I can't wait to get back to the gym.
Well I've got lots to blog about but need to get back to work, I just wanted to share my excitment with everyone.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/22/2008 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
New Camera

Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/07/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Counting Down The Days
Till Spring that is. This weather is really starting to take a toll on me. I've never really been one to like the cold weather. I love being outside but can't stand being cold. So usually by Feb. I'm really starting to get cabin fever. I need warm and sunshine. I'm thinking about starting tanning after next week, so I can get ahead start on some color and see if it helps with my blah mood. Shawnn and I are going to Big Cedar next weekend,well actually we'll be leaving Sat. or Sun. and coming home Tuesday, so hopefully a couple days off work and away from home will do me some good. Not that I'm glad to be going away from my sugar booger, it'll be nice to not be at home where the phone will be ringing and chores will be staring me down. Usually when Shawnn and I go away we go away to do absolutely nothing. Last March we went to Big Cedar for a weekend and that's exactly what we did. Our condo had a jacuzzi so I took full advantage of that, we played cards, went to dinner at Devil's Pool there on the resort, and that was all. It was great, having a 2 year old(at the time) and both of us working full time, we didn't have allot of down time, and now with a three year old we still don't! This time we are going shopping, Shawnn hates shopping so usually I go by myself. But he agreed to go do some, so I'm happy with that.
I've really been contemplating changing jobs. But I really think it's my mood, not the job. I'm tellin' ya this time of the year really gets to me. I went to lunch with a friend today, who happens to be a little older than me, so she's wiser and more exiperenced. She really helped me understand what was really going on. I really do have a great job. I have the abilitly to take off whenever, if I need my paycheck ahead of time he gives it to me, I make good money, I've made great friends. The biggest con is not having insurance. I'm going to talk to my boss about this because it's for sure something I need and want. But with any job you will have your pro's and con's. So I've decided I'm going to wait, time will tell. Everything happens for a reason!
Well I was just informed by Brayden that I broke his heart. Poor guy, life's rough! He had some bubble gum and has been told numerous times tonight to stop playing with it. So finally I told him if he took it out of his mouth again it was going in the trash. Well not even two minutes later it was out of his mouth. So having to stick to my word, because I totally believe if you say it you had better stick with it, especially when it comes to your child. I made him go throw it away. As he went to throw it away he was crying & said Mommy you broke my heart.
Well time to get the little guy ready for bed.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/06/2008 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Weekend & Migraines
Our weekend was quite uneventful, which was nice. Friday night we went to dinner @ Gringo's. Saturday Shawnn played golf, Brayden and I stayed at home. We hung out and did some laundry. Then Saturday evening we went over to a furniture store that's going out of business,I bought a lamp for $5,great buy, and a dresser for $25. I haven't picked up the dresser yet but hopefully we'll get it this week. It's not a big dresser, I actually plan on using it for a night stand, then when we get a house we'll buy new bedroom furniture, so I'll either move the dresser to Brayden's room for him to use as a night stand or in the guest room.
I woke up about 5 am this morning with a horrible migraine. Really all migraines are horrible but I really hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night with one. This has happened to me 3 other times. The weird thing was I was dreaming I had a migraine and then the pain woke me up. Of course, when I started getting sick I didn't have anything to throw up so I kept dry heaving! I finally got up around 6 to go take a shower to see if that would help with the pressure, no luck. So I finally fell asleep thanks to some tylenol pm. Woke up around 11:30 feeling lots better but my head was so sore. I'm talking so sore that I couldn't move my head. As the day has gone on I've started feeling better, but anyone that's had migraine knows you don't feel normal for a while, usually the next day I feel normal. I'm going in to see my dr. about them b/c I'm having them more frequently and they seem to be getting worse. I've talked to my dr. about them once before, but they've gotten worse since then. I'm sure nothing's wrong b/c I've had migraines ever since I was a little girl, but I just want that confirmation.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/04/2008 0 comments