I've been messin around on here and kind of started to figure things out.........I'm a little bothered right now, Two people I went to school with have passed away. Rachael had epilepsy, she had a seizure and drown in her bathtub. I feel so bad for her family losing their daughter at a young age. All the things she'll miss out on and her family will miss out on with her. I know she's in a better place but it's still sad to think of such a horrible way to go. The other person that passed away killed his self, I didn't know him but knew of him. He had a six year old son, I feel for his son. There's no way he can begin to understand why this has happened. I hope I never have to experience anything like either of these families have experienced............On a different much happier note (well for me anyways) I've started weight watchers (ww) and started walking a mile every morning. I feel very confident right now but I have my moments. The best feeling is the accomplishment so far is making it this far. I know it's only been four days but, that's allot for some people. I'm so scared of failure, I haven't signed up for the meetings b/c what if I fail, I want to get an ipod so I can listen to music as I walk but I won't yet b/c what if I fail. I know that sounds harsh and maybe some might think I'm setting myself up for failure. I see it as if I get these things and fail then I'll beat myself up about it but if I don't get these things and fail then at least I didn't waste the money. I have a great support team though so that makes it lots easier. My mom is the BEST, she's done the whole ww thing and it worked great for her, so she knows how I feel. So she's tryin to give me the best advice and she's doin a great job. Shawnn told me last night how proud of me he is and that's great to hear from anyone but especially your husband. Some might think my husband is a little on the harsh side but I think he's the sweetest most thoughtful man alive. Shawnn's a kidder if you can't handle jokes and being teased Shawnn's not the kind of person to be around. He's not mean about it and wouldn't dare kid with someone he just met or doesn't know (unless he gets that 'vibe' from you)..........Brayden told me yesterday that it was "such a lucky day", where he got this from I have no idea but it was sooooo stinkin cute. Well I'm goin to try to do a better job of blogging. I just really enjoy reading everyone's blog. Some of the people I've never met and I feel like I know their life story. Hope everyone has a great rest of the day and IT'S FRIDAY tomorrow!!!! WOOHOO music to my ears. Bye guys!!
3 days ago
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