I absolutely dread Mondays, I know most people don't look forward to Mondays but I really really dread them. So last Monday I told myself I was going to have a different attitude about it. My attitude is what's making my Monday's so horrid. Anything and everything that could go wrong usually does on Mondays. I've been reading The Secret every now and then(don't have allot of time to just sit and read) and what I'm getting from it is, Everything that happens to you good or bad is depending on how you look at things. So that's why I've decided to give Mondays another chance, hahaha!....and let me tell ya, having a good attitude about the dreaded day has really helped. Today has flown by, it's been crazy busy around here at work. I've even had to deal with rude people, and anyone that knows me knows I can't stand to deal with rude people and they can just ruin my day so fast, but not today.
We're still suppose to get some snow this evening!! I can't believe, I don't believe it actually. I'll believe it when I see it. We're doing one of my most favorite things tonight.....GOING OUT TO DINNER. I love going out to eat, especially during the week and especially when it's out of the blue.
Hope everyone's Monday has been as fabolous as mine.
3 days ago
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