Shawnn & I are finally getting bedroom furniture!! I'm so excited about this, our dressers we have are hand-me-downs & don't match at all. I told Shawnn WAY before we even started house hunting our bedroom was on the top of my priority list. We really wanted to get a king size bed but the mattresses we picked out were $800 not even including the bedroom set itself. So we decided we would keep our queen size, seeing as how it's not that old & just get a nice bedroom suite. I've already been looking online & have found a few that I really like. So hear they are!!
3 days ago
Thanks for stopping by our blog! I love all of your options on bedroom furniture. We have a sleigh bed similar to the top picture, but I've thought about getting black if we ever get a new set. :) Those are all good choices. Have fun deciding!
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