In the summer of 06 Brayden started getting sick on the weekends. I'm talking SICK, so sick we dreaded the weekends. It would start Sat. night after we put him to bed & last until Monday mid day. We couldn't figure it out, we would take him to his dr. who thought he had roto-virus. About a month after going through this every weekend, we were exhausted, stressed, & worried. So I took him to the ER on Saturday night, they couldn't figure anything out either, no fever, they took a bowel sample, nothing. Finally my mommy instincts kicked in & I took him off milk, and no more sickness. I took him back to his dr. because daycare needed a note from the dr. to take him off milk. I told her what we had done & she agreed it was probably the milk. So fast forward till Monday. Shawnn took Brayden to school Monday & they asked if they could start giving him milk again. They've accidently gave it to him a few times, Shawnn told them yeah to go ahead. We sometimes give him milk but only a little. Well yesterday we got home & he had diahrea 5 or 6 times before bed. I kept thinking what is wrong with him, then the light bulb went off.....MILK!!!! About 10:45 last night we hear something, to me it sounded like someone was breaking in, totally freaked me out, then we heard it again, it was Brayden getting sick. I walked into his room turned on the light & apparently said "OH MY GOSH, SHAWNN" he had thrown up all over his bed,& his room. Shawnn had to come step in because I couldn't handle it. So at 11 last night we were giving baths, & cleaning a bedroom, not really what I like to call fun, ha. I felt so bad for Brayden, he wanted to go back to bed but we couldn't let him. So I put him in the recliner & that lasted 10 minutes before he was on the couch with me. He's home today recooperating. SO moral of the story NO MORE MILK FOR BRAYDEN.
3 days ago
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