This weekend was a very relaxing weekend. Saturday Brayden & I went park hoppin', we went to Ben Geren (I took tons of pics but of course forgot my cord so I can't download them) played for a couple of hours, then went to Carol Ann Cross and played for another hour or so. Yesterday, we took Brayden bowling for the first time. We got to the bowling alley around 11 am, Brayden was soooo I mean sooooo excited. We walk up to the doors and guess what?? they were closed!!! They didn't open till 1 on Sunday. So that just broke his little heart, he didn't understand the concept of time and they weren't open. So to 'kill' time we went back to the park and had lunch at Brayden's favorite eating spot, McDonald's!!! Then we finally got to go back to the bowling alley, it was too cute!!! Again I have pics that I'll try key word try to post tomorrow.
Nana's headin to town this week!! We're so excited, she hasn't been here since before her school started back around the beginning of August. We're goin to go shopping this weekend, Brayden Cole needs some new clothes and a much needed haircut. Oh and some new shoes. Bless his heart he only has 1 pair of tennis shoes and a pair of biker boots (that are stinkin cute by the way) but the boy likes shoes he needs a variety. Ok so maybe he doesn't need a variety but he does like shoes and mommy needs a variety to put him in!! I swear if daycare didn't know any better they would think he's an orphan. His hair's shaggy lookin, he wears the same pair of shoes everyday so needless to say they're starting to look a little ragdy. I put him in a pair of jeans last week and yes they were a little shorter than last year but heck they weren't quite the high waters you see, Shawnn made me promise I would never put him in those again. So this weekend we're on the hunt for clothes for Brayden. Friday night we're goin to the Greenwood game. Teresa's son Zach plays for Greenwood and is awesome, PLUS, Howie's callin that game. I thought Brayden would enjoy watchin his Howie 'play' football.
Brayden's once again changed his mind about what he wants to be for Halloween...........a biker (he refers to it as a 'motorcycle man'), I was so excited because it's more original than power rangers, superman or batman. But I have a problem, where am I goin to find all the 'biker' stuff, like chaps & a jacket. I don't want to spend allot but I want him to be cute. So I don't know what he'll be!! Shawnn reminded me that he'll be whatever we buy, he (brayden) doesn't care. Which is true!!!
3 days ago
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