This is my 100th post! I know I total stink at this blog thing. So this time I'm not even going to say I'm going to do better that way I don't let you or myself down, HA! Really our lives aren't that exciting to write about. But since I haven't blogged since August I'll give y'all a rundown on things.
Brayden & I have started bowling. Sad thing his average isn't much lower than mine. Granted he has the bumpers & I don't.
We have FINALLY!!! started adjusting to our new school schedule. Things were a little rough there at the first. Many of mornings I either walked out of the house highly annoyed @ Shawnn & Brayden or I wanted to cry.
We had our 1st ever Parent/Teacher conference. I have to admit I was a little nervous. I'm so not one of those mom's that think her child is perfect. Actually he's far from it. IT WENT GREAT!!!!! I left there so proud of our lil guy. He's right where he needs to be. His teacher said he's a great student & very eager to learn. He's like a little sponge, he soaks everything up! I love going home in the evenings to hear all about his day. They learn a new word each week that they call their popcorn word. On Monday evenings he can spell it & use it in a sentence. Just amazing. They are learning how to read too, so he's constantly sounding out words. Again, just amazing! I'm sooooo glad he loves school & hopefully he continues to be a star student & an eager beaver...HA!
Brayden got an award at school.....Each month each class in the school has a STAR student....Well Mr. Brayden was the STAR student for the month of Oct.
I went through a spell of dr. visits. I went to the dr. 3 times in 3 weeks for 3 different things! NO FUN!!! & NO INSURANCE....yeah it stunk but I'm all better, thank goodness. First time I had a bad sinus infection. It started the Sunday before Labor Day. I was very sick Tuesday, started feeling better but by Friday I was worse. Then a week after that my left hip started hurting to the point I could barely walk. I had hip bursitis, I'm not even sure I meet the age requirements! A week after that my right ankle started swelling again. Long story short on the ankle I had a hairline fracture back in April 08 that I didn't know about. Fell again in Oct. 08 stayed swollen for over 2 weeks. That's how I found out about the hairline fracture. I thought that the swelling was from my hip hurting & I was putting more weight on my ankle. Well it continued. By Wed. afternoon from my toes to my knee were so swollen I couldn't bend my leg. Go back to the dr. & he says it could possibly be a blood clot. Well at that moment I didn't hear much else. Sorry but that was a little scary. Especially when I ask if I should be concerned & he says to me well just for the next 30 minutes!!! Apparently, he also said he didn't really think that's what it was but wanted to be on the safe side. Thank goodness Shawnn was with me. No blood clot, still not sure what the deal is.
Halloween was good. Busy but fun! Brayden was worn out within a hour. He was so excited he used up all his energy at the beginning. He was Bumble Bee from Transformers. I wish he was still little & couldn't voice his opinion on what he wants to be for Halloween. I'm just not a big fan of those cheap costumes.
I can't believe we're already into the month of November! Seriously, it feels like I just celebrated Christmas & now it's getting to be that time again.
Well I think I've covered everything, well that's worth sharing.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 11/09/2009 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Off To School
Hello All!!! I'm sure you're doing a double take about now, seeing as how it's been three months since my last post.
Our big boy started Kindergarten this past Wednesday!!! It was a very bittersweet time for us, being done with daycare & saving almost $400 a month but that also means Brayden's growing up! He was super excited & did great. He wasn't shy at all. I was very thankful for that, I kept telling him "there's no reason to be shy". I remember always being shy & it's normal, I guess. But now that I'm older I look back I think why??.
Here's Brayden enjoying a muffin & some cartoons before his Big Day
Bugga & Howie stopped by to wish him well.....unfortunely I didn't get a pic with Howie just Bugga
Daddy & Brayden
Mommy & Brayden
I of course got a tad emotional but nothing to noticeable,haha! I was able to take off early so I could go pick him up after school. Nana was also able to come down for his big day. Unfortunely, she wasn't here to see him off but she was here when he got out of school. He had a great day & was ready to go back the next day.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 8/21/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Life's Been Crazy Lately
The month of April has been a whirlwind for me. It's gone by so fast but at the same time it feels like it's been so slow, I know probably doesn't make sense. I'm not ready to talk about everything that's been happening this month, but I wanted to share some quotes I've found lately.
~Life is uncharted territory-It reveals it's story one moment at a time~ Leo Buscaglia
~Life is a classroom in which each of us are being tested, tried & passed~ Robert Thibodeau
~In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back~ Charlie Brown
~Nothing can bring you peace but yourself~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
~May we never let things we can't have, or don't have, or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have & can have. As we value our happiness, let us not forget it, for one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or should not have~ Richard L Evans
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 4/28/2009 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Making a Change
I've always had problems with migraines & over the past few years they've gotten worse. With the anti-depressant I'm on I can't take anything other than over the counter migraine medicine. If I don't take that at the first sign of one it doesn't work. So while I was at the dr. this past Saturday(sick with upper respitory stuff) I talked to him about any new meds being out that I could take for my migraine. This led to us talking about why I was on an anti-depressant. He mentioned to me that I should try to get off of it, especially with me having migraines so I can take migraine medicine. I've wanted to for a while but honestly I've always been a little nervous. This time I'm not so much, I really feel like I'll be ok without it. I was put on the medication because of post-partum, well it's been almost 5 yrs. ago so I should be ok.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/27/2009 3 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Pic Post
I realize I'm lousy about posting pics & to be quite honest I love looking at bloggers pics more than reading the post. So I really should do a better job, and I know I've said it 1000 times I'm going to start posting more & posting more pics and then never do. Honestly I just never think about taking my camera everywhere we go & then when I do think about the camera the dang battery is dead. SOOOO again I'm going to try to get better
My lil booger bear is out of town until tomorrow, momma's really missin' him too. I talked to him this morning & said "are you ready to come home"? his reply, "nope!! no siree"!! He must've forgot all about his Batman & Robin game. I'm so thankful he enjoys going to his nana & pawpaw's, it's such a great bonding time for them & he's making so many memories. But also mommy & daddy get a break & a chance to hang out.
So enough rambling here are some pics, hope you enjoy!!!!Christmas '08
Jette & Brayden sportin their Handy Manny jammies
Max & Brayden @ the park
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/06/2009 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Better Luck Next Time.....Or At Least I Hope
I'm sure the title of this post explains enough, well that is if you read the previous post. But I didn't pass my insurance test, I missed it by 5 questions. I was told it was a very difficult test & man was it!!! I knew the material & the questions were easy to read but the possible answers were HARD. It was a multiple choice test & alot of the answers were similiar. I went through the test once then went back through it a second time so it's not like I hurried through it. The fail rate is very high & my boss said it well "it's a very humbling test". I get to reschedule tomorrow so the plan is to try again next week. I'll know what to expect so hopefully my nerves won't be as bad. They do tell you what areas you didn't do good in so I can study those areas for next time.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/04/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tomorrow's The BIG Day
Shawnn & I are headed after work to Springdale for the night. I have to be @ Pearson Vue by 7:30 am to get ready to take my insurance test. I'm so ready for this to be over with. Test make me nervous & this one is really taking a toll on me. So many people don't pass & well if I don't pass I'll be compeletly humilated. I mean I've worked in insurance for 3 yrs. (gosh is that even possible, I'm getting so old) so I should know this stuff. I'm feeling very confident right now & hope my confidence doesn't leave me once I start the test. I have 3.5 hours to take it so I'll have plenty of time.
I have to admit that I wasn't really looking forward to this whole idea of me getting my license but now I'm pretty stoked about it. It's something I'll always have & can do something with. I mean lets face it, we have to have insurance, no way of getting around it. Well some people do I guess.
I've studied my hinny off for it too. Pretty much any free moment that I've had has been spent with my nose in that book. I wish they would tell you what you scored but they don't unless you fail. I'll be back tomorrow sometime with my results. If you think about it or if you're even awake at 7:30, please say a lil prayer that I keep my confidence & I do well.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/03/2009 1 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
A Lil Bit Of This, A Lil Bit Of That
It has really felt like Spring this week & I have to say I'm lovin' it. We bought some patio furniture last weekend & I've been able to enjoy it allot this week. Starting March 8th we'll have longer days thanks to Daylight Savings, WooHoo!! We had some thunderstorms last night, so relaxing. We had all our windows open & the back door so we just hung out on the couch listening to the storm & trying to watch American Idol but because of the storms our tv kept going out.
I go next Wednesday to take my insurance license test. I had a dream about it last night, it was crazy. I'm just ready for it to be over with I've been thinking about it allot this week. I haven't been in school for nine years so test taking & studying are a little unfamiliar for me.
I'm so happy it's Friday, at the beginning of the week I wasn't in a good mood. I hate it when I get like that. It' s like every little thing makes me mad. We've got lots planned for the weekend. Tonight we're taking Brayden bowling, that'll be fun to watch. He's absolutely hilarious these days. Last night we were eating dinner & he said "momma this piece of meat is a lil strong, do you think it's fat?" What he meant was this piece of meat is tough. I can't believe how grown up he is, but no matter how grown up he gets, he'll always be my baby. Any of you ever read that book,Love You Forever? If you haven't you definitely should. I have a baby shower tomorrow afternoon for a friend who's having her 2nd baby & she's having a baby boy. They've asked you bring your favorite book instead of a card so guess what book I'll be bringing?! Back to my point here! Tomorrow I have a baby shower to attend & we're going to start on our computer/treadmill room. After much discussion on paint color we've(well more like I've) decided to just paint it a taupey color. This way it'll be a neutral color & will go with everything. Then Sunday we're taking Brayden to meet my mom, he's decided he wants to go stay with my parents for the next week. So We've got a busy weekend ahead of us.
Sorry for my rambling on this post. Hopefully I didn't bore you to pieces or make no sense 8)
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/27/2009 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Just a Few Things I'm Ready For....
I'm ready to start wearing these
Daylight Savings starts March 8th. Oh how I love me some longer days.
Sitting on my patio enjoying some of these
Hanging out with friends more often. Seems like everyone gets so busy during the Fall & Winter so it's nice to be able to catch up in the Summer.
I've really grown to appreciate all the seasons but Winter is my least favorite of all. So needless to say I'm really looking forward to Spring
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/09/2009 1 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
GroundHog's Day
I hear the groundhog saw his shadow, seriously does he ever not see his shadow?! The weather Saturday was fantastic. My parents came in on Friday night so we loaded up Brayden's bicycle & headed to the park Saturday morning. We walked the trails at Ben Geren & played at the playground then went to Carol Ann. That must've been the place to be, it was packed. It was so refreshing to be outside, especially after all this cold, yucky weather we've had. I usually stay cooped up in the Winter, not a big fan of being cold. After we played & walked at Carol Ann we headed home to tear up our gardens. What an accomplishment that was. I'm just glad my dad was here to help out. Not tht Shawnn & I couldn't have done it but it sure went by alot faster with 3 of us working. Brayden had fun digging in the dirt for worms. One of them got loose in the living room, I swear the thing was as big as a baby snake. It was disgusting, Brayden wouldn't pick it up & I couldn't well more like wouldn't either. So I called pawpaw to the rescue. My mom's birthday was Wednesday, so I made lasagna for dinner that night. Then we all just hung out watching t.v. & talking. It was another very relaxing weekend. I'm kinda starting to become a big fan of those :)
Yesterday we had plans to go to a Super Bowl party but I just wasn't in the mood to be around people. Anyone ever get like that?! I knew I wouldn't be any fun, I didn't want to 'small talk' with anyone, I just wanted to be alone. We already had plans for Brayden to be gone for the night, and that doesn't happen much. So I told Shawnn I wanted to stay at home. He went to a buddies house & I stayed home, ALL BY MYSELF!!!! It was wonderful, I did miss my boys after a while. Even though I laid around it was still hard to wake up this morning.
Work has been hectic today, it's been one problem after another. Like the saying goes "When it rains, it pours". We hardly ever have people come into the office but today has been a steady stream of people. Looks like we're going to have a busy week. At least it'll go by fast.
Shawnn did wonderful on his diet last week. Me on the other hand had a hard time staying focused. I did lose so that's the important thing. I've refocused(is that even a word?!?haha) & I'm ready to go this week.
Hope everyone had a great weekend & your week is off to a good start.
P.S. Notice I'm posting more?!?! YaY for me. I promise to try harder with pics. I went off without my camera this weekend.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/02/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Arkansas Weather Stinks!!
I'm so disappointed in our weather today. I know I sound like a crazy woman because it sounds like I wanted ice. It's not that I want ice, I wanted to be able to stay home today. There's just something about knowing you have to go to work & wake up and find out you don't because of the weather!! HA HA!! So all day I've been keeping an eye on, channel 5 weather, & channel 40's weather. All that keeps happening is the ice and temp. dropping gets pushed back till later, such a disappointment. Brayden's daycare was closed so he's spending the day at the golf store with daddy, I can only imagine the fun they're having ;)
Shawnn & I are on day 2 of the diet. I lost 2 lbs. & well Shawnn lost 10!!!! I know that sounds unbelievable & unhealthy, but it's true I saw the scale myself. He's a big guy so it is possible & he'll probably be down 20 lbs. by mid next week. We figured it up, we're thinking percentage wise we lost about the same. As long as I lose 2 a day, I'll be a happy camper. This diet we're doing is.....well it stinks!! but it works & by next week we'll be in diet mode & everything will be a piece of cake. Gotta get ready for Summertime, gosh I can't wait for some summertime!!!
Hope everyone is home all cozyed up & eating lots of comfort foods.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/27/2009 1 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Nice Weekend
We had one of those weekends where we stayed in our jammies all weekend. Saturday morning we did get out for breakfast & go to Wal-Mart but other than that we stayed in the house, it was wonderful. Saturday afternoon Shawnn & Brayden watched Transformers while I laid in bed watching Lifetime movies & playing Sudokou, that's my kind of afternoon. On Sunday we cooked breakfast & then just had a lazy day.
Shawnn & I started back on our diets today. I'm looking forward to feeling better but they're predicting an ice storm for the 1st part of the week & all I keep thinking about is how I need comfort food not diet food, ha!! Speaking of weather, I'm SOOOOO ready for warm weather!!!
Laurie is demending I start putting more pics up of Brayden so I'll leave you with one my mom sent me of her Christmas present Brayden picked out for her.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/26/2009 2 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
In Case You Were Depressed Monday......
It was the most depressing day of 2009. You can go here to read all about why. I forgot all about this until I read it somewhere else, so of course I had to find out the date. Anytime you need useless information, I'm your girl. HA!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/23/2009 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Please Pray
Please pray for Sweet Harper & Sweet Brayden. Their mommy's have waited so long for them. I cannot even imagine what they are going through right now.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/19/2009 1 comments