I realize I'm lousy about posting pics & to be quite honest I love looking at bloggers pics more than reading the post. So I really should do a better job, and I know I've said it 1000 times I'm going to start posting more & posting more pics and then never do. Honestly I just never think about taking my camera everywhere we go & then when I do think about the camera the dang battery is dead. SOOOO again I'm going to try to get better
My lil booger bear is out of town until tomorrow, momma's really missin' him too. I talked to him this morning & said "are you ready to come home"? his reply, "nope!! no siree"!! He must've forgot all about his Batman & Robin game. I'm so thankful he enjoys going to his nana & pawpaw's, it's such a great bonding time for them & he's making so many memories. But also mommy & daddy get a break & a chance to hang out.
So enough rambling here are some pics, hope you enjoy!!!!Christmas '08
Jette & Brayden sportin their Handy Manny jammies
Max & Brayden @ the park
3 days ago
Could he get any cuter??? He has gotten so big....and such a handsome boy!
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