Shawnn & I are headed after work to Springdale for the night. I have to be @ Pearson Vue by 7:30 am to get ready to take my insurance test. I'm so ready for this to be over with. Test make me nervous & this one is really taking a toll on me. So many people don't pass & well if I don't pass I'll be compeletly humilated. I mean I've worked in insurance for 3 yrs. (gosh is that even possible, I'm getting so old) so I should know this stuff. I'm feeling very confident right now & hope my confidence doesn't leave me once I start the test. I have 3.5 hours to take it so I'll have plenty of time.
I have to admit that I wasn't really looking forward to this whole idea of me getting my license but now I'm pretty stoked about it. It's something I'll always have & can do something with. I mean lets face it, we have to have insurance, no way of getting around it. Well some people do I guess.
I've studied my hinny off for it too. Pretty much any free moment that I've had has been spent with my nose in that book. I wish they would tell you what you scored but they don't unless you fail. I'll be back tomorrow sometime with my results. If you think about it or if you're even awake at 7:30, please say a lil prayer that I keep my confidence & I do well.
3 days ago
Hey Jamie, thanks for stopping by my page. Good luck with your test, I am all too familiar with those. I am have my Property & Casualty and Life & Health licenses. Those tests cover a lot of material and can be a little tricky. Good luck!
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