I've always had problems with migraines & over the past few years they've gotten worse. With the anti-depressant I'm on I can't take anything other than over the counter migraine medicine. If I don't take that at the first sign of one it doesn't work. So while I was at the dr. this past Saturday(sick with upper respitory stuff) I talked to him about any new meds being out that I could take for my migraine. This led to us talking about why I was on an anti-depressant. He mentioned to me that I should try to get off of it, especially with me having migraines so I can take migraine medicine. I've wanted to for a while but honestly I've always been a little nervous. This time I'm not so much, I really feel like I'll be ok without it. I was put on the medication because of post-partum, well it's been almost 5 yrs. ago so I should be ok.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Making a Change
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/27/2009 3 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
A Pic Post
I realize I'm lousy about posting pics & to be quite honest I love looking at bloggers pics more than reading the post. So I really should do a better job, and I know I've said it 1000 times I'm going to start posting more & posting more pics and then never do. Honestly I just never think about taking my camera everywhere we go & then when I do think about the camera the dang battery is dead. SOOOO again I'm going to try to get better
My lil booger bear is out of town until tomorrow, momma's really missin' him too. I talked to him this morning & said "are you ready to come home"? his reply, "nope!! no siree"!! He must've forgot all about his Batman & Robin game. I'm so thankful he enjoys going to his nana & pawpaw's, it's such a great bonding time for them & he's making so many memories. But also mommy & daddy get a break & a chance to hang out.
So enough rambling here are some pics, hope you enjoy!!!!Christmas '08
Jette & Brayden sportin their Handy Manny jammies
Max & Brayden @ the park
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/06/2009 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Better Luck Next Time.....Or At Least I Hope
I'm sure the title of this post explains enough, well that is if you read the previous post. But I didn't pass my insurance test, I missed it by 5 questions. I was told it was a very difficult test & man was it!!! I knew the material & the questions were easy to read but the possible answers were HARD. It was a multiple choice test & alot of the answers were similiar. I went through the test once then went back through it a second time so it's not like I hurried through it. The fail rate is very high & my boss said it well "it's a very humbling test". I get to reschedule tomorrow so the plan is to try again next week. I'll know what to expect so hopefully my nerves won't be as bad. They do tell you what areas you didn't do good in so I can study those areas for next time.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/04/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tomorrow's The BIG Day
Shawnn & I are headed after work to Springdale for the night. I have to be @ Pearson Vue by 7:30 am to get ready to take my insurance test. I'm so ready for this to be over with. Test make me nervous & this one is really taking a toll on me. So many people don't pass & well if I don't pass I'll be compeletly humilated. I mean I've worked in insurance for 3 yrs. (gosh is that even possible, I'm getting so old) so I should know this stuff. I'm feeling very confident right now & hope my confidence doesn't leave me once I start the test. I have 3.5 hours to take it so I'll have plenty of time.
I have to admit that I wasn't really looking forward to this whole idea of me getting my license but now I'm pretty stoked about it. It's something I'll always have & can do something with. I mean lets face it, we have to have insurance, no way of getting around it. Well some people do I guess.
I've studied my hinny off for it too. Pretty much any free moment that I've had has been spent with my nose in that book. I wish they would tell you what you scored but they don't unless you fail. I'll be back tomorrow sometime with my results. If you think about it or if you're even awake at 7:30, please say a lil prayer that I keep my confidence & I do well.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/03/2009 1 comments