Today has been a Monday for sure, why are Monday's so crappy?!?!? I know I'm always starting my blogs out complaining about how Monday's stink or the weekend went by too fast or something along those lines, sorry I'm a bit negative today I know. It didn't start out like that, but shortly after getting to work it went down hill. If it wasn't one thing it was another here today. The phone was constant, the lobby was full, I finally went to lunch around 3, crazy. We have our moments like this though, I really need to be positive about it.
The weekend was nice, Shawnn was sick Friday, he got the bug Brayden and I had at the beginning of the week. He managed to ride with me to take Brayden to meet my parents halfway. They're keeping him til Wednesday or Thursday, Brayden loves going to school with his nana and since they only had 2 days this week she asked to keep him. So Shawnn and I had a nice quiet weekend.
This week is the start of the holidays, I'm ready. I went to Wal-Mart last night and picked up some new Christmas decorations, I can't wait to decorate, it's going to look so good. I just knew Shawnn was goin to be just as excited as I was when I told him about the 'black and silver' Christmas decorations. Here's the convo:
Jamie: Hey did I tell you how we're decorating for Christmas this year?!?!?
Shawnn:first of all, we're decorating??!! and secondly, no you didn't...
Jamie:oh you're going to love it, black and silver!!!!!!
Shawnn: that's Raider colors
Jamie: *shoots him the look*, why do you turn everything into FOOTBALL?!?!?!
Shawnn: that sounds great honey
Jamie: that's better....
This week is goin to be a busy one. Glad it's a short work week, I'm ready for some time off of work. Eric and I are cooking Thanksgiving for our parents this year. I'm excited I feel so 'grown up'. We went last night to get the turkey and all the food. Friday I want to do some Christmas shopping, Shawnn and I made our list of who and want we want to get everybody, now we just have to get it all. Plan on decorating for Christmas and relax.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
3 days ago
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