Shawnn has been having severe headaches for about 2 months now. After missing lots of work lately and the headaches not getting better he finally went to the dr. last Wednesday. They put him on blood pressure and some headache meds. His blood pressure was a little high she said. They're suppose to be making him an appt. with a regular dr. so he can go in for a complete physical. We know pretty much what they're going to say, he needs to lose weight, which we both know and that's good. The dr. he saw last Wednesday was at Pro-med, so all she said was 'here take this'. So he started the meds that day, he's been severely dizzy and sick whenever he tatkes the blood pressure med. He finally decided he would take them at night, so last night he took them after dinner, and everything seemed fine. Then this morning it started all over again, dizzy and sick to his stomach. He called the dr. and of course the dr. he saw is on vacation and he has to wait to talk to a nurse. I'm getting very worried, his head is constanting hurting. He said this morning, all the lights are bothering him, which usually is a side effect of a migraine, but Shawnn's had migraines and he said this feels nothing like one. The dr. did say if the headaches don't go away he'll have to go in for some tests. I'm trying very hard not to freak out, at first it was easy b/c we found the day before Thanksgiving, so I had lots of stuff to occupy my time with.
As for Thanksgiving it was good. My parents brought Brayden back Wednesday evening, so we had lots of catching up to do. Thursday I got up and started getting things ready for our dinner. My parents had to get back that night b/c my dad had to work Friday : ( so our family dinner got push up by a couple of hours. We headed to grandma's (shawnn's grandma's) for lunch. I already had the turkey in the oven and pies baking before we left. We ate lunch and visited for a couple of hours then headed back home to finish cooking and spend some more time with my parents. Everything turned out great and it was allot easier than I thought it was going to be.
Friday I slept in, no early bird shopping for me. Brayden and I did go to Wal-Mart to finish getting Christmas decorations. Saturday & Sunday were lazy days. We did go yesterday to get the Christmas tree out of storage. Brayden and I spent a few hours putting the tree together and decorating. I still have a few things I want to get to decorate with and I need to start Christmas shopping, horrible I know some people already have all of theirs done. I seem to wait til the last minute to do allot of things.
3 days ago
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