I cannot believe we're officially in November! I'm so excited about the upcoming holidays, Brayden is really into everything this year. Halloween was absolutely wonderful, it brought back so many memories of Halloween as a child. I had planned on taking him to the mall then to some church festivities but instead we went door to door trick or treating and it was the best. I loved trick or treating as a child and I'm so glad I got to take Brayden. Anymore you never know, it's so risky and so many people don't do the door to door anymore. We went to Fianna Hills, it was crazy up there. There were so many trick or treaters up there, it was great though. I asked Brayden on our way home if he had a good time and he said "that was awesome mommy". I can only imagine what next year's goin to be like, I'm so excited! We received the Toys R Us biggest book ever the other day, I showed it to Brayden and he's been in heaven ever since. He looks at it all the time showing Shawnn and I all the stuff he wants, I told him he'll need to show all of that stuff to Santa. At first he asked if I could tell Santa what he wanted, I said no you need to tell him. So it's been exciting watching him get excited about Christmas and Santa Claus.
3 days ago
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