Saturday, December 29, 2007

It's been a while

I haven't really been in the 'blogging' mood lately, but thought I would update everyone on the Howerton's.

We had a GREAT Christmas!!! I really look forward to many more Christmas now that Brayden's catching on. Everything he opened he would say "This is what I always wanted for Christmas, thank you"!!! It was so sweet to hear him say that and see the look on his face when opening a present. He was very thankful for everything he received. He's still thanking Shawnn and I for all of his presents.

The weekend went by so stinkin fast. It was Wednesday and time to head back to work before I knew it. I'm so glad this weekend is going to be all about relaxing. I'm goin tomorrow to pamper myself, I'm goin shoppin then I'm goin to get a manicure. My nails grow but they don't stay pretty, I constantly have to keep them up to make them look half way decent. So I think this is something I'm goin to start doing on a regular basis, it's good me time too!!!

My mom's comin back down Sunday to spend a little bit more time with us before she has to start back to school. It'll be nice to hang out with her. She was here last weekend but it was so busy tryin to finish up Christmas stuff that we really didn't get to hang out allot. Shawnn and I are goin to Ant and Renee's for New Year's, this is something we've been doin for 3 years now. We always have such a good time over there. This year they're having a 'white trash' party, I can't wait to see everyone in their costumes. I've been thinking and asking for some really good costume ideas, and so far I've gotten some really good ones. I'll try to post pics sometime next week!!!

Shawnn went back to the dr. today for a check up on his blood pressure, and his blood pressure was higher today then it ever has been. Very discouraging b/c he was hoping to get off of it soon. It's making him worn out and funny feeling. I'm worried about him and hope this next year we both have better luck when it comes to our health, definately one of our new year resolutions.

Today was my friend Nadine's 29th birthday (she doesn't look a day of 21) so we all went to eat at Chili's, Shawnn didn't go b/c he really wasn't in the mood to deal with people so I went solo. We had a great time and they all went out downtown afterwards but I wanted to come home to my boys. Something about motherhood that changes your priorties. I mean don't get me wrong I love hanging out with my girlfriends and gettin a bit irresponsible from time to time, but it's just not the same as before.

Well I think I've pretty much sum'd it all up, I could ramble on some more but I'll save the rest for later.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe new years. I'm so excited I don't have to be back to work until Wednesday, it's goin to be a great loooooonnnnngggg weekend.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Sigh of Relief

I feel so much better right now. I got so much accomplished this afternoon. All the laundry is done and put away, and my carpets are clean. I love the feeling of a clean house, it's very true that having a clean house helps your attitude. This morning I thought I was going to have a breakdown b/c I couldn't find stuff I needed. My house has been torn apart since I was sick a couple of weeks ago, so you can imagine what I was dealing with. I cannot stand clutter. My mom and brother are pack rats and I can't stand it. In my house everything has a place and if it's not in it's place it bothers me. My junk drawers are organized!!! I think I'm a bit obessive complusive, I have gotten better since Shawnn and Brayden came along b/c I don't have much time to care about stupid crap like Shawnn using one of my white hangers or my panties and bras not folded. I mean it bothers me but I try hard not to let it bother me so much. Anyways, I just wanted to write about how I feel so much better!!!!

Tomorrow's Friday and I can't wait for 5:30 to be here.....


DeClutter Me Please

I've taken the afternoon off from work so I could 'get it together' so to speak. I feel like I'm cluttered, does that make sense. I swear if my head weren't screwed on I would have lost it a few days ago. I'm such an organized freak and nothing has been organized here lately. I'm pretty much done with shopping, or at least I think I am. But my car my office my house has been neglected for a couple of weeks and it's catching up with me. I hardly slept last night b/c I laid there thinking Ok I need to do this and this and this and this, until I was mad at all the stuff I need to do. Really it's not allot but b/c everything's so unorganized it seems like so much. So I'm home with my Monster energy drink, some peppy music and cleaning supplies to start decluttering. Wish me luck!!!


Monday, December 17, 2007

Just about Ready

For Christmas that is. We went this weekend to start and finish our Christmas shopping. My wonderful hubby hates shopping so he wants to put it off till the last minute. We had a BIG disscusion this weekend about how he waits till the last minute. I'm a procrastinator but geez, lets get it over worth already. I told him he didn't have to go with me, except to get Brayden's presents. So this weekend was a very very busy weekend for me. Saturday, Brayden and I spent most of the morning at Wal-Mart, getting some things we needed. Then it was off to clean house. I wanted to get our carpet in the living room clean this weekend, but the carpet cleaner isn't working right, or I'm an idiot and don't know how to use it. Doubt that though, b/c I've used it before and didn't have any problems. I was able to get the furniture all clean, Shawnn's suppose to take a look at the cleaner so hopefully we'll get it working right before long. Shawnn had to work Saturday so when he got off at 5 we headed to Toys R Us, man that place was crazy busy. We got most of our shopping done that night and then Sunday I went shopping for everything. Of course I still want to get a few more things so I guess I'll be doing that this weekend. Friday we're going to get nana so she can spend some time with us. This week is going to go by so fast with everything I have to do, buts that's ok b/c I can't wait for Santa to come to our house.

Hope everyone has a great week!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I wanted to thank my friend Nadine, she's a very very good friend. She has done so much for me in ways only her and I know about. Yesterday I went to her house for lunch and vented the entire time I was there, she just listened, didn't cut me off or try to change the subject, just listened. That's great sometimes you just need to get stuff off your chest. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for all of my friends and everyone has a very special place in my heart. All of my friends have done things for me that I know they really are true friends. I hope that all my friends are as thankful for me as I am for them.



Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Found this on someone else blog

You Are Socks!

Cozy and warm... but easily lost.
You make a good puppet.

Monday, December 10, 2007

All I Want for Christmas

Brayden went to see Santa for the 1st time this year a couple of weeks ago, and all he asked for was a Transformer computer! This was the 1st time mommy and daddy had heard about this one. Shawnn and I were thinking it was a made up thing, no commercials, he says he saw it in one of his many toy books, but we never saw it. So not wanting Santa to let the poor guy down, I was about to buy him a computer and put Transformer stickers all over just so he could have one. Then nana (my mom) saved Christmas, she went to K-Mart over the weekend and guess what she found......yep that's right a TRANSFORMER COMPUTER!!!! I was so stinkin excited, it was like I had asked for the computer, and found it under the tree on Christmas morning. I never quite understood when parents would say "don't buy me anything for Christmas, it's more about getting the kids stuff", until this year. This is the first year Brayden really knows what's going on, I love it. My Christmas wish is for his Christmas wish to fufilled. Something tells me it's going to be :} I know that's not what Christmas is about, but it's still fun to get lots of presents and spoil your kiddos.