Brayden went to see Santa for the 1st time this year a couple of weeks ago, and all he asked for was a Transformer computer! This was the 1st time mommy and daddy had heard about this one. Shawnn and I were thinking it was a made up thing, no commercials, he says he saw it in one of his many toy books, but we never saw it. So not wanting Santa to let the poor guy down, I was about to buy him a computer and put Transformer stickers all over just so he could have one. Then nana (my mom) saved Christmas, she went to K-Mart over the weekend and guess what she found......yep that's right a TRANSFORMER COMPUTER!!!! I was so stinkin excited, it was like I had asked for the computer, and found it under the tree on Christmas morning. I never quite understood when parents would say "don't buy me anything for Christmas, it's more about getting the kids stuff", until this year. This is the first year Brayden really knows what's going on, I love it. My Christmas wish is for his Christmas wish to fufilled. Something tells me it's going to be :} I know that's not what Christmas is about, but it's still fun to get lots of presents and spoil your kiddos.
3 days ago
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