I feel so much better right now. I got so much accomplished this afternoon. All the laundry is done and put away, and my carpets are clean. I love the feeling of a clean house, it's very true that having a clean house helps your attitude. This morning I thought I was going to have a breakdown b/c I couldn't find stuff I needed. My house has been torn apart since I was sick a couple of weeks ago, so you can imagine what I was dealing with. I cannot stand clutter. My mom and brother are pack rats and I can't stand it. In my house everything has a place and if it's not in it's place it bothers me. My junk drawers are organized!!! I think I'm a bit obessive complusive, I have gotten better since Shawnn and Brayden came along b/c I don't have much time to care about stupid crap like Shawnn using one of my white hangers or my panties and bras not folded. I mean it bothers me but I try hard not to let it bother me so much. Anyways, I just wanted to write about how I feel so much better!!!!
Tomorrow's Friday and I can't wait for 5:30 to be here.....
3 days ago
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