I've taken the afternoon off from work so I could 'get it together' so to speak. I feel like I'm cluttered, does that make sense. I swear if my head weren't screwed on I would have lost it a few days ago. I'm such an organized freak and nothing has been organized here lately. I'm pretty much done with shopping, or at least I think I am. But my car my office my house has been neglected for a couple of weeks and it's catching up with me. I hardly slept last night b/c I laid there thinking Ok I need to do this and this and this and this, until I was mad at all the stuff I need to do. Really it's not allot but b/c everything's so unorganized it seems like so much. So I'm home with my Monster energy drink, some peppy music and cleaning supplies to start decluttering. Wish me luck!!!
5 days ago
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