1. Stop worrying about other people. I care way too much about other peoples thoughts. I don't mean I'm going to stop caring about people or become a total b%*ch, I just mean say how I feel. If I don't agree with something, say it. My feelings and thoughts are just as important as the next persons. I've always been this way, and it's caused me heartache and problems. So this year this is 2nd on my list (taking better care of myself is 1st) of resolutions.
2. Stop being a procrastinator. I mean seriously I've been putting off filing forever just because, not because I'm lazy just because. That's absolutely stupid.
3. Read more. My mom got me The Secret for Christmas. I've started reading it but it's one of those books I like to read very slow and may read a page twice, just because I want to take it all in and make sure I get it. But I want to read more books like that, motivational. Decorating books for when we buy a house. Dave Ramsey books, if you haven't checked him out you totally should, he's a great guy. Most of you know, Shawnn and I are paying off some major(well maybe not major to some people but major to us) debt, and then we'll buy a home. Well neither one us want to go back down this road so that's what Dave is for, to help us not get there again. To teach us how to budget and make good financial decisions........that really should've been a resolution by itself, oh well.
4.Continue bettering myself. This is something I tried to always do. Everyone can better themselves. Try to be a better mommy, wife, daughter, friend, worker.
5. Be more spiritual. I want to start back to church. I want to raise Brayden in church. I've been having lots of thoughts of this lately and feel like I really need to do this for me. Part of my resolution to taking better care of myself and being a better person. If you read this and pray, please pray for me. Pray that I make the decision to go back to church. I have a church that I want to go to and know several families that go there. I just can't seem to go, that's why I feel I need prayer.
6. Take better care of myself. This is my number one resolution. Phyiscally emotionally mentally I need to do a better job of taking care of myself. I think all of my other resolutions will work hand and hand with this one.
7.Better my marriage. No Shawnn and I aren't having problems, I feel like our marriage gets stronger and stronger as time passes. Shawnn and I were shorted on our 'time', yes I know this is our fault, even though neither of us would change a thing, we love our Brayden, but it does make things hard at times. Shawnn is a great husband, I know everyone thinks their husbands are great and I'm sure they are. Shawnn really trys and I appreciate that so much, way more than he knows. He has became a better father, son, worker, and husband since we've been married. So this year I want to really focus on 'us'.
So that's it for now, I may think of more as time goes on. So if I do I'll let ya know.
P.S. Janet leave me some comments sometime ;)
3 days ago
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