No not mental issues, or at least not that we are aware of. For some reason every year he gets this urge to get a new tv. So we're getting a new tv tomorrow. I look at it like this, at least it's not a new car every year. If it were me wanting a new car every year that would be different though!!! It's a 50 inch, was going to be a 60 but thankfully he came to his senses and realized we didn't need a 60 inch in our apartment. We will be buying a house this year but still we'll be in our apartment for a while. I'm quite excited about it because we're getting an armoir to put it in. Shawnn had me go look at the store where we're getting it from so I could see this armior they have. He said he knew I would like it so he went ahead and got it. Just goes to show he really does listen and pay attention to what I want and like. While we were there I said "oh no, we have to get something for all my pics and knick knacks I have on the other tv stand". Shawnn said "nope I've already thought about that, there's room on top of the armior". That made me feel good that he really thought about me in this purchase.
3 days ago
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