Haven't really had allot to blog about lately. So I thought I would conjure up something to talk about.
I'm really wanting some snow!! Well really I'm wanting it to snow so I can stay home from work and cuddle with my baby boy, play in the snow, make some soup, and watch lots of lifetime movies. They say we're suppose to get some this afternoon, but I don't have my hopes up. I figure what will happen is, Shawnn and I are going to Big Cedar on the 16th of Feb. for a few days. So it'll snow then & we won't get to go. I know I shouldn't think like that because those kinds of thoughts will make it happen. That's something I've learned from The Secret, if you think negative then that's what you get. Speaking of negative, I'm trying to learn to avoid negative people and negative situations. I have a tendacy to think negative but I really have noticed when I don't I'm so much happier.
This will be the first weekend in a while that I'll be home, and I'm excited about it. Our house is really looking like I haven't been there either. Hopefully this weekend I'll get caught up on laundry and get things reorganized. Life is allot better when my house is organized. I know I've talked about this before, but it's so true. Having a clean, organized home can make me so happy. I hate going home to a sink full of dirty dishes, and piles of laundry that need to be done. But I get lazy sometimes, and it gets all behind then it makes it really hard to do!
Sunday's Super Bowl of course, we've been invited to 3 parties now, and I want to go to all 3 of them but Shawnn says that's not possible!! To me it's possible though!!! Two of the parties we'll be able to take Brayden and the other one we wouldn't be able to. He's stayed with his Bugga and Howie more than usually lately so I really want him to be able to go with us. But the third party is some new friends of ours, that we really want to get to know better. So I have quite a delima as to which party to go to, if any I may just stay home. I don't want to hurt feelings by not going to the other two parties, geez it's a super bowl party they'll get over it if they do get upset!! See I worry way too much about other peoples thoughts and feelings and I've got to stop that. So if any of you that have invited us to your party Sunday read this, I'm sorry if we don't make it to your house, it's not that we don't like any of you, or we like the other people better.
Last night I went out with some girlfriends for some Papa's pizza and beer. It was just what I needed yesterday too. I have PMDD and take Yaz, the birth control to help with it. But I forgot to take it a couple of days so I had to stop taking it for the month so my body didn't get all out of whack. So I've been a little bitchy lately. I really thought I was going to strangle someone yesterday, but I feel tons better today. I guess pizza and beer was just what I needed!! I've been going out more than usual here this past month and it's really nice. It's nice to get out and laugh and be silly with friends. Plus talking with my girlfriends about marriage work and kiddo's makes me realize I'm not crazy or anal, I'm normal because they have the same thoughts or feelings.
I've recently learned that peoples lives aren't always what the seem. This probably sounds mean but I'm actually glad for that. No one's life is perfect no matter how much they try to prove it or show it, we all have problems. It seems like those that really try to show and go around saying oh my life's perfect, those are the ones that really have lots of problems. I try to stay true, I don't like lies so I try not to tell them. I'm proud of who I've become. I'll tell you I haven't always been proud of who I was or things I've done in my past but again no one's perfect, and realizing that makes me happy. It's ok to make mistakes, mistakes make us. My life is far from perfect, We had a child 9 months after our first date, no we didn't sleep together on our first date, but obviously we did before marriage,Brayden was 3 weeks early, and I really don't care what anyone says or thinks about it. I wouldn't trade him for anything, god had a plan for me. Shawnn had lots of debt when we got together, so there for, we've had a rough 4 years, finacially. It's almost paid off and I can't wait. We missed out on alone time. We had 9 months of alone time and that was it. That used to bother me and I had a major security problem. I was worried about mine and Shawnn's relationship because there were lots of stresses in our lives,not just the stress of money a new baby and basically a new relationship but there were some issues within our family that put allot of stress on me more so than Shawnn, but you know we made it through all of that and our relationship is stronger than ever. I feel like if our relationship could with stand all of that when it was brand new, we could handle everything. We didn't get married until Brayden was over a year and half old. That was something we agreed on when we found out I was pregnant, just because we're having a baby doesn't mean we're getting married. I refuse to raise my child in a miserable home life, so we waited to make sure that's what we wanted, and it was!!
I'll have to continue my rambling at a later time. Gettin' pretty busy at work.
3 days ago
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