St. Nick stopped by Brayden's school this morning to get their requests & take pics. Brayden called me this afternoon to let me know he wasn't scared & what his list of goodies were......2 different Transformers & a pair of RED boots!!! WHAT?!?! I'm so confused as to where that one came from but whatever, right?! So looks like momma will be shopping for some red boots tomorrow night, anyone know where I might find some?!? My bestie Renee & I are going tomorrow to finish(well I'm finishing she's starting) shopping.
Brayden is at such a fun age for Christmas, he's totally into the whole Santa thing & all about shaking the presents under the tree. They've been learning Christmas songs at school & it's so cute to hear him sing his own version.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Santa Came To Town
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 12/17/2008 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Some Christmas Talk
I had planned on doing Boomama's Tour of Homes but since I was sick I didn't get any pics taken. It took me all weekend to get back to normal. I seriously was starting to wonder if I would ever be back to feeling well. I'm so very thankful it didn't take Brayden as long to bounce back.
I keep getting all these emails about how to beat holiday stress, usually I'm all about trying not to stress but this year I haven't stressed & it's GREAT. There's not anything different this year then any other year. Every other year I've always been so worried that Brayden didn't have enough presents but at the same time I've always wanted to raise him knowing that's not what Christmas is about. So this year I didn't buy him stuff just so he would have lots of presents to open. I bought him toys he wanted but not all of them of course. I didn't buy him any clothes,seriously what 4 year old boy wants to open clothes?!
I had started this blog earlier this morning & since have gone home for lunch. While there I grabbed my camera because I had taken a couple of pics of our tree so I thought I would give a sneak peek.
Our tree isn't as big as I would like it but we tried a real tree out this year. I really like the look of a real tree but don't like that we have to put the lights on, I feel like it doesn't have enough.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 12/15/2008 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ok So Maybe I Was Wrong
So Wednesday evening I started feeling a little sickly. I tried to push it away thinking maybe I was just tired from not getting much sleep the night before. Well that wasn't the case, Shawnn & I both were home yesterday sick. Guess Brayden had a bug after all. I still think it's a little ironic that 2 days after school starts giving him milk he ends up sick. We went ahead & told them no more milk just to be on the safe side. I was pretty bummed out because we had plans with Shawnn's family to go to Creekmore to ride the train & look at the Christmas lights, then go to The Night of Giving at our mall to finish up Christmas shopping. This is the 5th year they done this and this is the 2nd time I've TRIED going. The first year I planned on going I had a migraine then this year I had a stomach bug, guess I won't plan on going anymore, ha. I think we're going to survive but I have a feeling it's still going to take a couple of days to be 100%. My plan for the weekend is to try santizing our house with Christmas coming up in 13 days(can you believe it?!?) we need to be well plus we'll have company starting next weekend.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 12/12/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'll Never Look At Mac N Cheese The Same
In the summer of 06 Brayden started getting sick on the weekends. I'm talking SICK, so sick we dreaded the weekends. It would start Sat. night after we put him to bed & last until Monday mid day. We couldn't figure it out, we would take him to his dr. who thought he had roto-virus. About a month after going through this every weekend, we were exhausted, stressed, & worried. So I took him to the ER on Saturday night, they couldn't figure anything out either, no fever, they took a bowel sample, nothing. Finally my mommy instincts kicked in & I took him off milk, and no more sickness. I took him back to his dr. because daycare needed a note from the dr. to take him off milk. I told her what we had done & she agreed it was probably the milk. So fast forward till Monday. Shawnn took Brayden to school Monday & they asked if they could start giving him milk again. They've accidently gave it to him a few times, Shawnn told them yeah to go ahead. We sometimes give him milk but only a little. Well yesterday we got home & he had diahrea 5 or 6 times before bed. I kept thinking what is wrong with him, then the light bulb went off.....MILK!!!! About 10:45 last night we hear something, to me it sounded like someone was breaking in, totally freaked me out, then we heard it again, it was Brayden getting sick. I walked into his room turned on the light & apparently said "OH MY GOSH, SHAWNN" he had thrown up all over his bed,& his room. Shawnn had to come step in because I couldn't handle it. So at 11 last night we were giving baths, & cleaning a bedroom, not really what I like to call fun, ha. I felt so bad for Brayden, he wanted to go back to bed but we couldn't let him. So I put him in the recliner & that lasted 10 minutes before he was on the couch with me. He's home today recooperating. SO moral of the story NO MORE MILK FOR BRAYDEN.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 12/10/2008 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Santa's Lil Helpers
I'm so getting this for Brayden for next Christmas. I wish I would've heard about it sooner, he's at a great age this year.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 12/05/2008 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Is Just Right Around The Corner
I can't believe we're already putting Christmas decorations up again. I still remember putting all my decorations up last year, crazy!! We decided this year to get a real tree, and I'm so excited about it, not sure why but I am. Good thing for Shawnn simple things excite me,ha!! I think I've decided to go with my black & white again this year, because we're getting a whitish green tree, so I think we'll be able to see the ornaments better. Shawnn and I were invited to an Ugly Christmas Sweater party next weekend, how fun. Hope everyone's having a great Thursday!!! Tomorrow's Friday, YaY!!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 12/04/2008 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tour Of Homes
Since I have a house this year for Christmas, I thought I would particpate in Boomama's Christmas Tour of Homes. Can't wait to see everyone's home.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 11/24/2008 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What Is Wrong With People?!?!
I just read this on MSN. I mean seriously what goes through peoples heads??
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 11/13/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bedroom Furniture
Shawnn & I are finally getting bedroom furniture!! I'm so excited about this, our dressers we have are hand-me-downs & don't match at all. I told Shawnn WAY before we even started house hunting our bedroom was on the top of my priority list. We really wanted to get a king size bed but the mattresses we picked out were $800 not even including the bedroom set itself. So we decided we would keep our queen size, seeing as how it's not that old & just get a nice bedroom suite. I've already been looking online & have found a few that I really like. So hear they are!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 11/11/2008 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
We had an absolute blast this weekend. We started out with Chili's takeout Friday night, & the rest of the evening was spent in our jammies watchin' tv. That's my kinda night,gosh I sound so old. Saturday morning we started out with some breakfast at Mickey D's on our way to the bowling alley. I think we have a future bowler on our hands. Brayden had a ball!!! The only other time he's been was about a year ago, so there was much improvement. After our bowling trip we headed to one of our many birthday parties for the month. Those kids played so hard, Brayden was asleep 5 minutes down the road. The rest of Saturday was spent cleaning house & watchin' tv. Then yesterday we went to our 2nd birthday party for the month. Brayden has turned into quite the little social butterfly with all his birthday parties. It's so much fun to watch and listen to him get so excited about parties.
I'm lovin' this cold & rainy day we're having. I really wish I could be at home in my jammies watchin' some lifetime movie or HGTV or napping. I've got lots of recipes for soups I'm plannin' on making this week. I love this time of the year, ask me how much I love this weather in Jan. & you'll get a different answer,HA!
Shawnn & I worked around the house quite a bit this weekend, and it's finally starting to come together. I've got just about all the boxes unpacked & things in there place. We hung some decor last weekend, what a huge difference that made! Poor Brayden is still not unpacked!!! He's not going to know what to do when he has 'his' room. Shawnn promised we could tackle it & hopefully((fingers crossed)) get it finished this weekend. Once I get his room done I'll be able to get everything else unpacked & in it's place.
This morning I had to go see the oral surgeon to schedule some surgery that I've been putting off for a long while. Dr. Curry told me I can no longer put this off so I'm schedule for the 21st.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 11/10/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
I'm so glad I get to be a part of such an important day for us. We could have the first black president or the first woman vice president, either way it's a big day. I went first thing this morning to vote, figured the lines wouldn't be as long this morning, & it felt great!! We're so fortuante to have this right, I can't believe some people don't care to vote. Sadly my husband doesn't vote but I'm working on him & hopefully he'll get registered for next time.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 11/04/2008 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
~~HaPPy HaLLoWeeN~~
Our little Speed Racer is ready to go get some goodies tonight!! He's gettin' loaded with sugar at school as we speak, ha! I feel for those teachers. Here's some pics from our past Halloweens. Hope everyone has a safe night. Let the Holiday season begin!!!
~Our Lil Nemo~
Power Ranger
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/31/2008 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
My mom just sent me this email. My reply back to her "Thanks mother, just what I need to look at with just moving into a new neighborhood." I mean I guess I do need to know these kinds of things but it's still a little frightening, ya know.
Do you know your neighbors?
I mean, REALLY know your neighbors?
Well, the attached site will help you know the ones you need to know even better. Just put in your address & your neighborhood map will pop up. Every place you see a red balloon or thumb tact is the home of a convicted felon.
Just hover your mouse over an icon & not only will the name come up, but also the crime they were convicted of.
Share with your friends . .. . safety first
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/20/2008 0 comments
Good Monday Y'all!!!
We had a very very busy weekend, I'll leave that for another post later today. But I wanted to share this great idea I found on one of my new favorite blogs.I've been wanting to get new furniture but of course with just buying a new house, furniture is Waaaayyyy on the back burner, plus with a 4 yr. old boy, not necessarily a good idea. So I'm going to give this idea a try.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/20/2008 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
A Giveaway
Pigtails & Snails has made a very beautiful quilt and she's giving it away!! I'm loving all of the colors. My mom's room at our house is going to be done in yellow, so I'm hoping I can have this to put in there. Good luck if you decide to put your name in the drawing.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/17/2008 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Our 1st House Guests
Nana & Pawpaw are here to spend Fall Break with us and check out our new house. Brayden was so exicted waiting for them last night.
It's really sad that I don't have any updated pics of Brayden with his nana & pawpaw, but I'm the world's worst when it comes to downloading pics from my camera. Notice I'm trying REAL hard to update my blog everyday and with pics.Here's a pic itty bitty Brayden with Nana the 1st day we came home from the hospital. My mom stayed with us for 3 weeks after he was born, talk about a lifesaver. It's so hard to imagine him that little, how time flies.
Here's Brayden with his pawpaw at Sulphur when he was a lil guy. This town is absolutely beautiful year yard, and they have so much to do. Brayden loves it there, so we go everytime we're at my parents. They took my brother and I all the time, and we have such great memories. So now when we go it brings back such wonderful memories of my childhood and Brayden's making some great memories too.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/16/2008 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I found this, and looks pretty easy yet great wall decor so this weekend my mom will be in town so I'm hoping I can get a lil help. I wish so much I were a very crafty person that can throw stuff together with stuff just layin' around the house but I'm working on my creativeness. Hopefully I'll have a picture to show.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/15/2008 1 comments
I'm Baaaaaaccccccckkkkkk
We've had so much going these past couple of months.........WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!! I'm so excited words can't even explain it. It's so ironic how the whole thing happened. In my daily house hunting(haha) I found a house in the area we were wanting, in our price range, & the perfect size. So we went to look at it, keep in my mind the house had just been on the market one day before we went to look at it. By that time 5 other people had already looked at it. This was Labor Day weekend so we had lots of time to think it over. I called our realtor that Sunday to make another appt. to look at it again. On Monday Labor Day we went for a 2nd look & found out 4 of the other people had been back for a 2nd look as well, talk about a bummer. But we decided we wanted to take a chance and make an offer. Our realtor called us late Monday night to let us know someone else had just made an offer BUT the sellers wanted to see our offer too. Shawnn and I being 1st time home buyers really had no clue as to what we were doing, our realtor and lender were helping as much as they legally could. So we wrote our offer, & they countered, we countered back, they countered again, & we denied. Needless to say I was bummed but I was ok to. I just knew if it were meant to be then it would happen and apparently it wasn't suppose to. WELL, Wednesday evening we get a call from our realtor informing us they wanted to ACCEPT our offer afterall!!!! I was in shock, actually I think we both were, but once the shock settled we knew it was meant to be. It's still hard for me to believe I have my own house!!! This is something I've waited for, for 5 years and we both have worked so hard to get to where we are and it's wonderful. Of course the house needs some updating and minor issues that need to be fixed but overall the house is perfect. Our inspector told us he hadn't ever inspected a house for the price we paid and it be in such good condition, that made us feel really good!! The sellers made lots of good updates like top of line the water heater, & heating and air unit. But they were so lazy with alot of stuff to. I swear they never cleaned and when they made changes inside the house they were so lazy about stuff. Of course everytime we went into the house they had all their stuff and man did they have stuff!!! So alot of the little problems we didn't see. I guess this just goes with buying a house, huh?!?! So Shawnn and I have been working our booties off painting removing wallpaper, mowing, unpacking boxes and most of all cleaning. Of course we had some GREAT help from family, without them we wouldn't have been able to get all of this done. We have managed to get our bedroom painted the hall bathroom painted and the living room painted, but still have tons left to do. Here are pics of the house when it was listed. Later I'll post pics of the house when we got the keys and of course I'll be updating with the process of changing everything too.
Here's our 1st Home!! They put lots of time and money into the landscaping out front, they have tons of purple and yellow mums they have just started blooming and they are beautiful. I think once they realized they had their house sold they stopped tending to the landscaping so we have some cleaning up to do but once we get it done it's going to look AWESOME!!!
Our back porch when I first saw the pic of this online I wasn't that crazy about it b/c it looks like it's screened it, but it's not and I think it may be my favorite spot at the house. It has a skylight and is so roomy.
Our backyard of course,haha. We're going to tear up the gardens so Brayden can have lots more room to run and play and we can finally bring his swing set home from Nana & Pawpaw's
Our dining area. I'm not real into having a formal dining room but glad we had a big enough area for a decent size table. I'm also LUVIN' my garden(I'm guessing that's what it's called) window. I have yet to put any plants in there but eventually I'll get some.
.....and here are the wonderful(sarcasm) green cabinets. Those things drove me crazy for about 2 weeks trying to decide what I was going to do with them. The cabinet doors are so plain, meaning they have no detail to them so I really didn't want to strip the paint and stain them. I really wanted to paint them black but was afraid that might not look good either. SO Shawnn said we could at least get new cabinet doors sometime next year so I found a color for the walls that complement the cabinets nicely. I don't know if you can tell but the hardware is silverware(tacky!!!) so I think once I change that and get that awful wallpaper done it'll look allot better. The green cabinets are actually starting to grow on me. They were absolutely flithy though, after a good cleaning they looks lots better. Another thing that changed the look was we got a new stove, the stove that was there was I swear the original stove that came with the house, It came from JCPenney. Like I mentioned before she had tons of stuff
More of the kitchen, it's a great size and has lots of cabinets and counter space, the only downfall about the kitchen is I only have 4 drawers, I was used to my apt. where I had 4 junk drawers, talk about a new adjustment!!! But hey at least now I have a linen closet and a garage, oh and a storage building....
This is the living room, we painted it a muted gold (kinda brownish/gold) it really warmed the room up. She had 5 ceiling to floor bookshelves all on one wall in there which close the room up so much. When we got to go in the house for the 1st time empty we couldn't believe how big it looked. I love how they did the walls, they're textured but not just regular texture they did some different technique in there. Come to find out there was wallpaper on there before and instead of them ripping the wallpaper down they decided to leave it and texture and paint. So eventually we're going to have to fix all of that. I told Shawnn that'll be something we probably pay someone to do!!
Another pic of the living room. It's more long than wide and has no windows. I know that seems crazy to alot of people, especially for someone who loves windows. We have 6 windows, one in each of the bedrooms & 2 in the kitchen. But our back door has a window and a storm door and the front door has a storm door too, so I keep those open and we get plenty of sunlight. I would love to add a skylight in the hall bath but Shawnn says that will be WAAAAAYYYY down the line.
This is our office/treadmill room. It's the last room that's going to get painted but I'm thinking I want to do a red/black/white theme in here. Who knows that could change by the time I get to this room,haha. We did however get all the wallpaper(it's hard to see in this pic) ripped down out of here, thanks to wonderful family!!
This is Brayden's room, it's the biggest of the other 2 bedrooms. It's going to be transformed into a Speed Racer room this weekend. His favorite color is red, so when we asked him what color he wanted his bedroom his response was RED!!! OMG, I'm thinking no way will I let him have a red bedroom, it's suppose to hype you up. So we've comprimised 2 walls red & 2 walls white. I really wanted to do the bottom 1/2 red & the top 1/2 white or blue with a blue or white painted border, BUT my darling husband has talked me out of it b/c he thinks it'll be to hard, and with the headache I had with the hall bath I'm not wanting another difficult project right now.
This is going to be our guest room. We don't have allot of overnight guest usually so it's mainly going to be Nana's room. I'm painting it a pale yellow(her new favorite color) and decorating it her style. She does so much for us & spends allot of time her in the summer that I want her to have her own room at our house.
The Master Bedroom It was the 1st room that had to be changed Shawnn couldn't stand to look at it. We both love black, so we painted the walls a greyish color it's kinda got a lavendar tint to it and we're going to get black furniture. I'll save all my ideas for another post.
Here's the hall bath that I've worked so hard on. I pretty much started ripping wallpaper down the first day we got in there and just finished it this past weekend. I even had several people helping. It has by far been the hardest room to deal with and the funny thing is it's the smallest room. I think b/c of the fixtures in there it makes it hard to work around. I kept asking Shawnn to please take the mirror, light fixture, vanity, and toliet out but he wouldn't b/c he hadn't ever done anything like that and was afraid he would screw something up. Oh well we managed and it's DONE that's the important thing.
They didn't put any pics of the master bathroom on the realtor site. We're not changing it and if we do it'll be a long time from now. That bathroom is by far the best done project, I think they had someone professionally come in to do that room. The hall bath was done horribly. We have lots of things to fix, I'm just so thankful that all of the stuff is minor not major problems. It's all stuff that you have to really look for to see. Now before we got all of our stuff in there we could see lots of flaws but now that we're slowly fixing them and have our stuff in it's harder to see them. I wish they would've put pics of the entrance way & hallway b/c they did a really cool wallpaper technique. They took wallpaper ripped it up, dipped in some mixture then put it on the wall, looks really good!! Don't get me wrong I love my house and I know I've focused a lot on what is wrong with the house, but there's lots of good too. They updated major things and put in new light fixtures. Oh did I mention we got a brand new roof 2 weeks before we moved in, I mean that's a great house. We feel like we got a wonderful house that's in great condition it just needs some cleaning and maintanice.
Anyways now that I've told you all about my new house I really need to get to work. I hope you've enjoyed my tour. I promise to post more often now especially since I'm updating our house. Hopefully tomorrow I can show you the pics of the house when it was empty!!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 10/15/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
House Hunting
We've looked at 6 houses now and only 1 have we really liked. Of course, it has a pending contract now, but that's ok. Just means it wasn't meant to be, right?! So last night we looked at 3, and all were big NO'S!!! BUT our realtor informed us of one that's more than likely come back on the market. It's a repo and apparently the bank and the buyer had a falling out, darn for them good for us!! The best thing about this house, it's has a POOL!! How cool is that?!?! Here I haven't even looked at the house and I love it already,haha!!! The realtor is going to find out what's going on with it and let us know today hopefully. I'm trying to not get my hopes up, but gosh it's hard. My philosophy on the whole house buying is whatever happens happens. We're in no rush & we're enjoying being DEBT free, do you know how wonderful that is?!?!?
Shawnn's playing in a 2 day golf tournament this weekend so my parents are going to keep Brayden for me so I can clean, organize, get kid sale stuff ready, and hopefully enjoy some alone time. I love my sugar booger & my husband but, I love some alone time too even if it's spent cleaning & organizing my house!!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 8/20/2008 2 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Big 2 7
I can't believe my birthday is here already, how the time flies. It doesn't bother me to get older, well as of now it doesn't bother me. I've always heard your 30's are your prime, so I'm looking forward to that. Someone told me your 20's are for being young & dumb, needless to say that made me feel alot Sunday is my birthday so Saturday night Renee is throwing me a fiesta. I'm so excited she got a margarita machine and a pinata and we're having lots of mexican food!! Nothing better than mexican food, margaritas and great friends. Hopefully, we'll take lots of pics, we always have good intentions of taking pics but we never do.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 8/07/2008 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Man A Mighty I'm Feeling Worn Out......
I've been so tired, well really, sleepy this week. I go to sleep and don't wake up till the alarm goes off the next morning but I'm still so sleepy. My plan for tonight is to get in bed at a decent hour,like 9!
I got Brayden's birthday stuff ordered and it should be here by Monday, so I can get all the invitations out in plenty of time. I've got everything ordered as far as food and have most of my 'plan' made out for that day.
We've got a pretty easy busy (is that possible?!!) weekend planned. Seems like we've had something going on every weekend for a while so it'll be nice to do things but at our on pace this weekend. I was talking to my mom about her & Brayden's schedule for the summer, and it's already planned out and before we know it, it'll be August again.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 6/12/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Speed Racer Birthday
I can't believe Brayden's birthday is here already!!! I've had the location booked for a few months now and kept thinking I had tons of time, WRONG!!! It just seems like once Summer gets here everything is in fast forward mode, and it's all over before I have time to take it all in. Oh well that's life I guess. So after realizing this past weekend that I hadn't bought invitations I've been panicking just a little. As I've mentioned before Brayden's birthday party's don't always go as planned so I wanted to double check our location was still booked. Seeing as how it's been a while since I booked it and I have horrible luck I just knew it had been reserved to someone else. BUT all is well there, thank goodness!! So we decided on Speed Racer birthday, originally it was Hot Wheels but now we've decided on Speed Racer. I wanted something a little original and I found what I was looking for, it's semi old school Speed Racer with a little bit of the new Speed Racer. Brayden's watched allot of the original Speed Racer cartoons and this Friday we're taking him to see the movie. So if anyone has suggestions for party favors or decorations feel free to share.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 6/11/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Been A Long Time
Hey all!! It's been a long time since my last blog. Just really haven't been in the blogging mood, and well everything I had to blog about would've been negative stuff. I told myself when I started this blog I wouldn't talk about negative things going on in my life. But all is back to normal now.
Shawnn and I had a little getaway this past weekend. We went to Lake Tenkiller, we have some friends that have a boat and house there. We had a great time and can't wait to go back. We're actually hoping to go in a couple of weeks, guess we're hooked!!
Brayden's growing like a weed, I can't believe we'll be celebrating his 4th birthday in a month!! It's just a crazy thought to me to think he's 4 already. I still remember being pregnant with him.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 5/27/2008 0 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Dentist Appointment
I had to have a root canal done so today I got my crown put on. Which is no big deal, but while there my dentist showed me my latest x-ray. I have a black spot under that tooth(the root canal one). Ok so he says this and all I think about is BAD BAD, I tend to do that huh!??! Anyways he explained he had never seen this before and at first was a little worried and actually was getting ready to call me to have me come back in so we could remove the tooth. But first he went to his dad, who is also a dentist, and found out he had patient that had the same thing. So they compared x-rays and they look identical. I already have an appt. with an oral surgeon to have some other stuff done, so they're going to check this out too. More than likely he said, it's fine that it's probably just a void. I really hope it's just a 'void'.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/28/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Brayden's Birthday
I know some people will probably think I'm crazy but after last year's birthday party I told Shawnn I will not stress or break down again because of a birthday party!! That's not what they are about. So we chose the date for Brayden's birthday party a year ago!! Crazy I know but his birthday is July 3rd, it can be a good thing. Most of our family and friends are either on vacation or at the lake for 4th of July, so it makes scheduling a party a little on the difficult side. So we either have to have his party early or late. At this age it's really not a big deal because he doesn't grasp that concept yet, in a few years will be a different story though. Last year was just awful, I know I shouldn't say that but I seriously wished I could've just not done a party. It was 10 times more stressful then anything to do with my wedding planning!! We couldn't do it this date because of whatever reason, couldn't do it here because it was booked or someone didn't feel comfortable or blah blah blah!! So we ended up having it at a friends house (since we don't have a house we can't fit that many people in our apt.) which was very nice of them and I'm very thankful for having friends like that. They weren't even there,they just let us have their house for the night. But it was so thrown together and I'm not a thrown together kinda person, I like having a plan. There was more to the awfulness but I'm not going there, I think I've complained enough. So because of last year's mess, I've already booked Brayden's birthday location. After lots of phone calls, research, comparsions, discussions between Shawnn and I.........we booked a pavillion at Ben Geren. It's a big pavilion with lots of tables and it's right next to the big play area and not to far from the restrooms (ugh!! I know), plus if we want to do any other kind of games we've got so much field. It's 3 months in advance but hey I will have no worries, unless of course we have rain that day, which I do have bad luck but I'm not even going there right now. I will deal with that if it happens!! So now I can rest and relax for the next couple of months before I start with all the decorations and theme. Brayden last night said he wants a Danny Phantom party, we have no clue where that came from. I'm going to try to steer him towards Scooby Doo or something like that.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/25/2008 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
We have had a fabulous weekend!! Yesterday afternoon I took Brayden to the Kisr egg hunt, what a nightmare. I doubt that we'll do it again. Way too many people and not near enough stuff. Brayden did get about 10 eggs but some kids didn't get any! It was also B.A.C.A.'s annual kids day at the park, so they had 2 bounce arounds, & face painting. Personally, I think they should've had a couple more bounce arounds for the amount of people there. We stood in line for at least 30 minutes for Brayden to bounce around for a couple of minutes.
This morning we went to church, it was a great service. Brayden had a blast playing, so I think we'll be going back!! I'm so very thankful I went. When I was younger we went to church as a family but we stopped going. Then when I was about 14 I started going to another church. But again I stopped going. Before I moved to Arkansas I had started back to church, this time I went to a non-denominational church, I loved it but then I moved here. I really want Brayden to be in church so I plan on us going from now on. This afternoon we had Easter lunch at Shawnn's grandma's. The kids hunted Easter eggs. Brayden only wanted the 'rocket' eggs that he brought. I had bought Brayden a bubble wand from Wal-Mart that was only a $1, and the kids had so much fun with the bubbles! We're now home and I have some stuff to get done for a busy week ahead. Hope everyone has had a great Easter!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/23/2008 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Concerned Mommy
**Update** Seems that Brayden's knot has gone down some. We're still keeping an eye on it though. If it doesn't go away by next week we're going to take him to the dr.
Tonight I found a knot on Brayden's head. Naturally, I started thinking of all the horrible things it could be(yes I'm a pessimistic at times). So I called my mom to see if he had fell why he was at her house, and he hadn't. She tried to assure me everything was fine and that I just need to keep a close eye on it. I'm writing this right now and trying to fight the tears. I know right now I'm over reacting but I can't stop thinking what if, and how will I manage. Please please say a prayer for my lil guy.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/21/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
~Easter's Already Here!!~
I feel like before long we'll be getting ready for Christmas again. We have lots planned for the weekend, hoping the weather stays nice so our plans aren't put off. I'm going to pick Brayden up tomorrow, so my parents don't have to drive all the way here for such a short trip. Then Friday is Brayden's Easter party at school and I'M OFF WORK!!! So Friday morning we'll being partying at Brayden's school then afterwards we're off to see the Easter Bunny. Brayden's teacher's informed them that the Easter Bunny is at the mall so they all need to go see him. The weather is suppose to be awesome here Friday, 70 and sunny!! I really hope the weather people are right this time. I want to spend the day outside relaxing, getting some sunshine, and playin with Brayden. Then Saturday I would like to take Brayden to a egg hunt, I know they have a few here so I guess I should check it out! Then we've got to dye some eggs and get ready for Sunday!
I'm so glad to finally see some sunshine today, I wish it were a little warmer but hey at least I've got sunshine.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/19/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Lazy, Slacker, Procrastinator
That's how I've been lately. Ever get in those moods where ya just don't want to do anything?? Seems like I get in those moods every 3 months or so, and I can't stand it!! I guess I could look at it like it's a short vacation. So this week it's back to reality. My house is disgusting, my car is too and work well, it's piled high kinda like my laundry!! But my boss is gone this week so just like the saying goes "when the cats away the mice will play", that's what I've been doing!! It's only Tuesday so I haven't taken full advantage of him being gone. I finally got off the computer and started doing the work but had to take a break to make a lil post. So back to work I go. Hope everyone's enjoying all this rain we're getting.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/18/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Brayden's Headed to Oklahoma
My parents are going to have Brayden starting tonight until sometime next week, it's my mom's spring break so she's going to spend it with Brayden. Brayden of course is stoked and woke up at 6:30 this morning, and his first words were "I'm ready to go to nana's", it was so cute. So here in an hour actually I'll be leaving to take him to meet my parents half way. It's a bittersweet thing with me, I'm going to miss the little booger but at the same time it's going to be a much needed break for myself. I'll be able to get all those little things done around the house, that I don't normally do b/c I want to hurry up so I can spend time with Brayden. Tomorrow night Shawnn and I are having a date, nothing fancy, just cooking dinner together and going to cuddle and watch a movie. Those are my favorite kind of dates. We can come home from work get in our comfy clothes and just relax! Saturday Shawnn's working so I'll have the entire day to my self. I plan on finishing my kid sale stuff and getting our Spring/Summer clothes out.
Hope everyone's having a fantastic week so far, already HuMpDaY!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/12/2008 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Trying A New Approach
I absolutely dread Mondays, I know most people don't look forward to Mondays but I really really dread them. So last Monday I told myself I was going to have a different attitude about it. My attitude is what's making my Monday's so horrid. Anything and everything that could go wrong usually does on Mondays. I've been reading The Secret every now and then(don't have allot of time to just sit and read) and what I'm getting from it is, Everything that happens to you good or bad is depending on how you look at things. So that's why I've decided to give Mondays another chance, hahaha!....and let me tell ya, having a good attitude about the dreaded day has really helped. Today has flown by, it's been crazy busy around here at work. I've even had to deal with rude people, and anyone that knows me knows I can't stand to deal with rude people and they can just ruin my day so fast, but not today.
We're still suppose to get some snow this evening!! I can't believe, I don't believe it actually. I'll believe it when I see it. We're doing one of my most favorite things tonight.....GOING OUT TO DINNER. I love going out to eat, especially during the week and especially when it's out of the blue.
Hope everyone's Monday has been as fabolous as mine.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/03/2008 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
What a wonderful way to start a new month, with a wonderful weekend. The weather was awesome here in Arkansas. Friday night Brayden and I went over to Nadine's to have pizza and hang out. Brayden had been a little coughy for a few days, we had gave hime some cough medicine but by that night he was running fever, pale, sneezy, and a runny nose. So we came home to give him medicine but nothing we had was for those symptoms so off to Wal-Mart I went I went ahead and stocked up on a few different kinds and brands, I want to be prepared, ya know. He woke up Saturday alot better, I was very thankful. It was such a beautiful weekend and I wanted to take full advantage of that.
Saturday morning Shawnn had to work & then that afternoon he had to bowl in a tournament so it was just Brayden and I for the day. We went to the park for a couple of hours, and had a wonderful time. Today we went back to the park because it's suppose to SNOW tomorrow. Apparently we're suppose to have 4 to 6 inches of snow by Tuesday here in Ft Smith, cRaZy!! I'll believe it when I see it.
Also today I made my 1st roast!! I've been trying new recipes here lately and found that I really enjoy it. I've always enjoyed baking but it's a nice feeling to try a new recipe and it turn out!!haha. The roast turned out pretty good, Nadine made one a couple of weeks ago and hers was absolutely the best roast I've ever had. Mine on the other hand wasn't as wonderful but it was edible and that's what counts. Maybe I need to get her recipe,maybe she doesn't something different or buys a different kind of roast, yes there different kinds?!?!
So right now I'm finishing up some laundry, didn't get my whole house cleaned like I wanted but it was such a beautiful weekend I couldn't stay cooped up any longer. I'm finally starting to feel better, just still have a cough that seems to want to hang around, but hey I can handle the cough as long as I don't feel like I did. Poor Shawnn is getting it now. He woke up this morning sneezing, and it continued. We went to grab breakfast and I swear he sneezed the whole entire time we were gone. Then we took Brayden to the park and he sneezed allot there too! By the time we got home from the park he was stopped up and his thoart was getting sore.
Hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 3/02/2008 0 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cabin Fever
I feel like a broken record but........I'M SO READY FOR SPRING!!! I spent my whole weekend in bed sick. I started getting sick Wednesday afternoon, just started out with a little cough then by the evening by body hurt and I was running a little bit of fever. Wednesday night is Shawnn's bowling night so Brayden and I go to Nadine's house for dinner. While there I started throwing up. Once I threw up a few times I did start feeling better. Thursday morning I woke up still hurting but because I had missed Monday and Tuesday of work I had to go in. I managed to make it until 12:30, went home and slept til 7:30!! I felt better Friday, but then Saturday I woke up feeling horrible again. I have this horrible cough and rattle in my chest. If I'm not better within a few more days I will go to the dr.,hoping I get better with over the counter meds, No insurance!
I just knew I was going to feel better yesterday, or at least I was hoping to, but I didn't. So this week is going to be a busy one. Tomorrow is the first day of Women Run Arkansas, which I'm so so excited about. Time to get ready for warmer weather!!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/25/2008 1 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
It Has Been A Long Time
Well I've officially joined a walking club. This club starts next Tuesday and will meet every Tuesday and Thursday @ 6 pm for the next 10 weeks, ending with a 5K walk/run in Conway on the 10th of May. I found this thru another blogger and thought I would see what it was about. Man was I excited when I got on there and saw that it was FREE!! They have different levels to join but I'm going to start at the very bottom and hopefully next Spring I'll join the beginner's running. Shawnn and I have seriously talked about joining a gym and we are hopefully in a couple of weeks, it's just so expensive. The gym we used to work out at has started a Zumba class, which I can't wait to try out. It's 30 minutes of Zumba and then 30 minutes of kickboxing 3 times a week. I can't wait to get back to the gym.
Well I've got lots to blog about but need to get back to work, I just wanted to share my excitment with everyone.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/22/2008 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
New Camera

Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/07/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Counting Down The Days
Till Spring that is. This weather is really starting to take a toll on me. I've never really been one to like the cold weather. I love being outside but can't stand being cold. So usually by Feb. I'm really starting to get cabin fever. I need warm and sunshine. I'm thinking about starting tanning after next week, so I can get ahead start on some color and see if it helps with my blah mood. Shawnn and I are going to Big Cedar next weekend,well actually we'll be leaving Sat. or Sun. and coming home Tuesday, so hopefully a couple days off work and away from home will do me some good. Not that I'm glad to be going away from my sugar booger, it'll be nice to not be at home where the phone will be ringing and chores will be staring me down. Usually when Shawnn and I go away we go away to do absolutely nothing. Last March we went to Big Cedar for a weekend and that's exactly what we did. Our condo had a jacuzzi so I took full advantage of that, we played cards, went to dinner at Devil's Pool there on the resort, and that was all. It was great, having a 2 year old(at the time) and both of us working full time, we didn't have allot of down time, and now with a three year old we still don't! This time we are going shopping, Shawnn hates shopping so usually I go by myself. But he agreed to go do some, so I'm happy with that.
I've really been contemplating changing jobs. But I really think it's my mood, not the job. I'm tellin' ya this time of the year really gets to me. I went to lunch with a friend today, who happens to be a little older than me, so she's wiser and more exiperenced. She really helped me understand what was really going on. I really do have a great job. I have the abilitly to take off whenever, if I need my paycheck ahead of time he gives it to me, I make good money, I've made great friends. The biggest con is not having insurance. I'm going to talk to my boss about this because it's for sure something I need and want. But with any job you will have your pro's and con's. So I've decided I'm going to wait, time will tell. Everything happens for a reason!
Well I was just informed by Brayden that I broke his heart. Poor guy, life's rough! He had some bubble gum and has been told numerous times tonight to stop playing with it. So finally I told him if he took it out of his mouth again it was going in the trash. Well not even two minutes later it was out of his mouth. So having to stick to my word, because I totally believe if you say it you had better stick with it, especially when it comes to your child. I made him go throw it away. As he went to throw it away he was crying & said Mommy you broke my heart.
Well time to get the little guy ready for bed.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/06/2008 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Weekend & Migraines
Our weekend was quite uneventful, which was nice. Friday night we went to dinner @ Gringo's. Saturday Shawnn played golf, Brayden and I stayed at home. We hung out and did some laundry. Then Saturday evening we went over to a furniture store that's going out of business,I bought a lamp for $5,great buy, and a dresser for $25. I haven't picked up the dresser yet but hopefully we'll get it this week. It's not a big dresser, I actually plan on using it for a night stand, then when we get a house we'll buy new bedroom furniture, so I'll either move the dresser to Brayden's room for him to use as a night stand or in the guest room.
I woke up about 5 am this morning with a horrible migraine. Really all migraines are horrible but I really hate it when I wake up in the middle of the night with one. This has happened to me 3 other times. The weird thing was I was dreaming I had a migraine and then the pain woke me up. Of course, when I started getting sick I didn't have anything to throw up so I kept dry heaving! I finally got up around 6 to go take a shower to see if that would help with the pressure, no luck. So I finally fell asleep thanks to some tylenol pm. Woke up around 11:30 feeling lots better but my head was so sore. I'm talking so sore that I couldn't move my head. As the day has gone on I've started feeling better, but anyone that's had migraine knows you don't feel normal for a while, usually the next day I feel normal. I'm going in to see my dr. about them b/c I'm having them more frequently and they seem to be getting worse. I've talked to my dr. about them once before, but they've gotten worse since then. I'm sure nothing's wrong b/c I've had migraines ever since I was a little girl, but I just want that confirmation.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 2/04/2008 0 comments
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Haven't really had allot to blog about lately. So I thought I would conjure up something to talk about.
I'm really wanting some snow!! Well really I'm wanting it to snow so I can stay home from work and cuddle with my baby boy, play in the snow, make some soup, and watch lots of lifetime movies. They say we're suppose to get some this afternoon, but I don't have my hopes up. I figure what will happen is, Shawnn and I are going to Big Cedar on the 16th of Feb. for a few days. So it'll snow then & we won't get to go. I know I shouldn't think like that because those kinds of thoughts will make it happen. That's something I've learned from The Secret, if you think negative then that's what you get. Speaking of negative, I'm trying to learn to avoid negative people and negative situations. I have a tendacy to think negative but I really have noticed when I don't I'm so much happier.
This will be the first weekend in a while that I'll be home, and I'm excited about it. Our house is really looking like I haven't been there either. Hopefully this weekend I'll get caught up on laundry and get things reorganized. Life is allot better when my house is organized. I know I've talked about this before, but it's so true. Having a clean, organized home can make me so happy. I hate going home to a sink full of dirty dishes, and piles of laundry that need to be done. But I get lazy sometimes, and it gets all behind then it makes it really hard to do!
Sunday's Super Bowl of course, we've been invited to 3 parties now, and I want to go to all 3 of them but Shawnn says that's not possible!! To me it's possible though!!! Two of the parties we'll be able to take Brayden and the other one we wouldn't be able to. He's stayed with his Bugga and Howie more than usually lately so I really want him to be able to go with us. But the third party is some new friends of ours, that we really want to get to know better. So I have quite a delima as to which party to go to, if any I may just stay home. I don't want to hurt feelings by not going to the other two parties, geez it's a super bowl party they'll get over it if they do get upset!! See I worry way too much about other peoples thoughts and feelings and I've got to stop that. So if any of you that have invited us to your party Sunday read this, I'm sorry if we don't make it to your house, it's not that we don't like any of you, or we like the other people better.
Last night I went out with some girlfriends for some Papa's pizza and beer. It was just what I needed yesterday too. I have PMDD and take Yaz, the birth control to help with it. But I forgot to take it a couple of days so I had to stop taking it for the month so my body didn't get all out of whack. So I've been a little bitchy lately. I really thought I was going to strangle someone yesterday, but I feel tons better today. I guess pizza and beer was just what I needed!! I've been going out more than usual here this past month and it's really nice. It's nice to get out and laugh and be silly with friends. Plus talking with my girlfriends about marriage work and kiddo's makes me realize I'm not crazy or anal, I'm normal because they have the same thoughts or feelings.
I've recently learned that peoples lives aren't always what the seem. This probably sounds mean but I'm actually glad for that. No one's life is perfect no matter how much they try to prove it or show it, we all have problems. It seems like those that really try to show and go around saying oh my life's perfect, those are the ones that really have lots of problems. I try to stay true, I don't like lies so I try not to tell them. I'm proud of who I've become. I'll tell you I haven't always been proud of who I was or things I've done in my past but again no one's perfect, and realizing that makes me happy. It's ok to make mistakes, mistakes make us. My life is far from perfect, We had a child 9 months after our first date, no we didn't sleep together on our first date, but obviously we did before marriage,Brayden was 3 weeks early, and I really don't care what anyone says or thinks about it. I wouldn't trade him for anything, god had a plan for me. Shawnn had lots of debt when we got together, so there for, we've had a rough 4 years, finacially. It's almost paid off and I can't wait. We missed out on alone time. We had 9 months of alone time and that was it. That used to bother me and I had a major security problem. I was worried about mine and Shawnn's relationship because there were lots of stresses in our lives,not just the stress of money a new baby and basically a new relationship but there were some issues within our family that put allot of stress on me more so than Shawnn, but you know we made it through all of that and our relationship is stronger than ever. I feel like if our relationship could with stand all of that when it was brand new, we could handle everything. We didn't get married until Brayden was over a year and half old. That was something we agreed on when we found out I was pregnant, just because we're having a baby doesn't mean we're getting married. I refuse to raise my child in a miserable home life, so we waited to make sure that's what we wanted, and it was!!
I'll have to continue my rambling at a later time. Gettin' pretty busy at work.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/31/2008 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
If I Had A Day All Alone.......
Edit:I feel like I need to clarify trashy magazines......I mean trashy gossip,Not porn!!
I would lay in bed with the laptop, lifetime, and jello salad. I would read trashy magazines, read some of The Secret, do my nails, oh and sleep. That's how I would spend a day all alone. Don't get me wrong I love spending quality time with my boys, but me time is wonderful. B.B.(before Brayden) I couldn't stand to be alone, now I dream of a day alone. It has been a llllloooonnnnngggg time since I've had one. So long I couldn't even tell you when. But oh well, I wouldn't trade either one, Shawnn or Brayden, to be alone.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/25/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Gosh I have so much to update on I don't even know where to begin.
Brayden and I went to Ardmore this past weekend to visit my parents. We had a great time, lots of relaxing. I feel like I don't do that at my house. I always feel like I have to be doing something, so it was nice to be able to actually spend my weekend doing nothing and not feeling guilty about it. I did get my hair done, it had been a while since I had it highlighted. I went with blonde and red this time. I've never had red in my hair but I'm loving it!!! Saturday night I met up with some friends to go have dinner. That was pretty much our weekend.
I was suppose to meet with a mortgage lender last Friday but had decided not to since we knew we wouldn't be buying within the next few months. Then today I decided to go ahead and give her a call, and I'm so glad I did. We do qualify for a loan and our credit is actually allot better then we both thought. We still aren't going to buy for a little while but she was able to give me some things to work on until we are able and ready. The end is so near I feel like I can reach out and touch it. I've learned so much patience with this whole experience. I'm so glad we didn't jump into anything before. I've seen people do that and then they aren't happy 6 months later. I want to find a house that I love, not just like.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/22/2008 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Dinner with Friends
So last night I went out with Nadine, Monica, and Jenn(she's a new friend). We went to Chili's and had a grand time. I just love meeting new people. Jenn was such a sweetie, and I look forward to getting to know her more. I do have pics from last night, well I didn't take pics but Nadine took quite a few so as soon as I get them I'll post some. It's so great to have girl time, it really helps me realize I'm not crazy, I'm a very normal person actually!!! Anywho, Brayden stayed with Bugga and Howie aka grandma and grandpa howie, last night so he was home bright and early this morning. We went to the mall first thing this morning and I spent $75!!!! at Bath and Body. That's so not like me and I was actually shocked that that's how much I spent, but they were having a heck of a sale. But I will be taking some of it back b/c I can't spend that kind of money of Bath and Body. It was just me and Brayden that went and Brayden's at that age that he really doesn't fit in a umberlla stroller anymore but still a little young to be still and not touch stuff. So needless to say after Bath and Body I was ready to go, plus I had way too many bags from there so I was uncomfortable. I plan on going back later this afternoon by myself to look at some other stores. I did find Brayden the cutest jacket that I've actually been eyeing for a while at JCP's and I had it in my hand to buy, but I decided to wait b/c I didn't have anymore patience to stand in line. So I really hope they still have it when I go back, it was only $5.99 original $20, that's a great buy!!!! I finally got Brayden a bookshelf today too. I really wanted to get him a real wood bookshelf so that he could keep it for a long time, but I couldn't find one the color of his bed, which is what I wanted. So I just got him a cheap one from Wal-Mart. After thinking about it I decided that was probably the best thing to do b/c he'll eventually get new bedroom furniture so I'll just get him a nice one then. Well I'm off to start cleaning, Brayden's room is first!!!!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/12/2008 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
IT'S FRIDAY.......
And I'm so excited!!!! It has been a crazy week at work. This is the first full week of work we've had since Christmas. My boss and I both said Monday how much we were dreading coming back for a full week. Luckily this week has flown by, probably because of all the crazy things we had going on.
Shawnn goes back to the dr. today, so please say a little prayer that everything goes better this time.
We really have a quiet weekend planned. I think tonight I'm going to go out for dinner and drinks with a couple girlfriends. It's been about a year since the last time I went out with these 2 just by ourselves. Tomorrow will probably be the usual cleaning session and laundry. Oh I just remembered our mall is having their mall walk this weekend and I get paid today!!! I'm also on the hunt for Brayden a small book shelf, his book collection has grown and he got lots of games for Christmas so I want to get them better organized. I want it to match his bed and for it to be small. So hopefully I'll be making a couple of purchases this weekend. I love shopping, just wish I could do it more. Oh well someday hopefully.
Last night Shawnn and I were watching HSN and they had bedding on there so that got us to talking about our future bedroom. I informed my wonderful husband that when we buy a house our bedroom will be the first room we do. Our bedroom has never been decorated, it's always been the room that's been neglected(everyone has one). So I'm going to start searching for stuff for our future bedroom. I've already mentioned how I invisioned it in a previous post, so now I just need to find the perfect stuff for it.
We've decided we're going to start our process of buying our first home. Meaning, we're going to talk to a lender to get prequalified. Take care of things that are on our credit. Start working on our credit. Start reading books on 1st time home buying, I want to be as prepared as possible. Start looking at houses, (which I've been doing for a long time) so we know what we want. And the biggest of them all, well besides the working on our credit part, saving money.
So if any of you have any wonderful advice on buying a home please feel free to leave me your comments. Please no negative comments or bad stories, I know they're out there and I'm sure we'll have some of our own. But I'm trying to stay positive and I don't want to go into this with a bad attitude.
Hope everyone's had a fantistic week and has an even better weekend.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/11/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
More Resolutions
1. Stop worrying about other people. I care way too much about other peoples thoughts. I don't mean I'm going to stop caring about people or become a total b%*ch, I just mean say how I feel. If I don't agree with something, say it. My feelings and thoughts are just as important as the next persons. I've always been this way, and it's caused me heartache and problems. So this year this is 2nd on my list (taking better care of myself is 1st) of resolutions.
2. Stop being a procrastinator. I mean seriously I've been putting off filing forever just because, not because I'm lazy just because. That's absolutely stupid.
3. Read more. My mom got me The Secret for Christmas. I've started reading it but it's one of those books I like to read very slow and may read a page twice, just because I want to take it all in and make sure I get it. But I want to read more books like that, motivational. Decorating books for when we buy a house. Dave Ramsey books, if you haven't checked him out you totally should, he's a great guy. Most of you know, Shawnn and I are paying off some major(well maybe not major to some people but major to us) debt, and then we'll buy a home. Well neither one us want to go back down this road so that's what Dave is for, to help us not get there again. To teach us how to budget and make good financial decisions........that really should've been a resolution by itself, oh well.
4.Continue bettering myself. This is something I tried to always do. Everyone can better themselves. Try to be a better mommy, wife, daughter, friend, worker.
5. Be more spiritual. I want to start back to church. I want to raise Brayden in church. I've been having lots of thoughts of this lately and feel like I really need to do this for me. Part of my resolution to taking better care of myself and being a better person. If you read this and pray, please pray for me. Pray that I make the decision to go back to church. I have a church that I want to go to and know several families that go there. I just can't seem to go, that's why I feel I need prayer.
6. Take better care of myself. This is my number one resolution. Phyiscally emotionally mentally I need to do a better job of taking care of myself. I think all of my other resolutions will work hand and hand with this one.
7.Better my marriage. No Shawnn and I aren't having problems, I feel like our marriage gets stronger and stronger as time passes. Shawnn and I were shorted on our 'time', yes I know this is our fault, even though neither of us would change a thing, we love our Brayden, but it does make things hard at times. Shawnn is a great husband, I know everyone thinks their husbands are great and I'm sure they are. Shawnn really trys and I appreciate that so much, way more than he knows. He has became a better father, son, worker, and husband since we've been married. So this year I want to really focus on 'us'.
So that's it for now, I may think of more as time goes on. So if I do I'll let ya know.
P.S. Janet leave me some comments sometime ;)
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/09/2008 0 comments
If I didn't have to work full time.....
How great life would be. Really though if I could be a stay at home mom full time, or at least part time, I wouldn't mind working somewhere part time. I would get so much done. My house would be spotless, I'm talkin baseboards cleaned, cob webs gone (I do try to keep them gone) that kind of clean. My husband would come home to great meals every night, we would go to bed in a made bed (meaning I would make the bed every day). Everything would be organized. I would love to learn how to sew, and I would work on my creativeness. Oh and I would join the gym and that would be the way I start my day off, going to work out.
Oh how I dream of the day!!
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/09/2008 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
No Fair!!!
Yesterday was such an awesome day. Even though I know it's just Jan. and winter has just begun, I still had a bit of hope yesterday, thinking it was starting to fill like spring. Spring is probably my most favorite season, with Summer a close second. Something about it just makes me so happy. I love the smell of the air, you know what I'm talking about?? It's so fresh and clean. We had all of our windows open last night in the house and it had that 'springy' smell to it. I sat outside for a while, just thinking of all the things I want to do this spring. I guess I'm getting spring fever, and it's only Jan. 8th, bummer. I really think winter should only be till Feb. 28th, I could live with that.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/08/2008 0 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
My Husband Has Issues
No not mental issues, or at least not that we are aware of. For some reason every year he gets this urge to get a new tv. So we're getting a new tv tomorrow. I look at it like this, at least it's not a new car every year. If it were me wanting a new car every year that would be different though!!! It's a 50 inch, was going to be a 60 but thankfully he came to his senses and realized we didn't need a 60 inch in our apartment. We will be buying a house this year but still we'll be in our apartment for a while. I'm quite excited about it because we're getting an armoir to put it in. Shawnn had me go look at the store where we're getting it from so I could see this armior they have. He said he knew I would like it so he went ahead and got it. Just goes to show he really does listen and pay attention to what I want and like. While we were there I said "oh no, we have to get something for all my pics and knick knacks I have on the other tv stand". Shawnn said "nope I've already thought about that, there's room on top of the armior". That made me feel good that he really thought about me in this purchase.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/03/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year Plan
So this past weekend I started my new year's cleaning. This is something I've started doing, just going thru everything and reorganizing, throwing away stuff, getting stuff ready for a yard sale, things like that. I figure since the new year is about starting over, might as well clean stuff out too. I didn't get everything done b/c my mom came down Sunday and I didn't want to clean while she was here, so this weekend I have to finish it all up. I did get our Christmas tree down and all the decorations put up, our apartment looks so bare now. Brayden cried b/c I took the tree down, he's still learning that Christmas does end!! Usually for my new year resolution I always say I'm going to lose weight, well this year I'm not even saying that, I hate when I don't follow thru with something. SO this year I'm going to take better care of myself. With the scare of Shawnn's health, we both have thought allot about our health, so we're changing that this year. Another one of my resolutions every year is to become a better person, I feel like that's an area everyone can get better at. Also this weekend, I'm going to sit down and work up a budget for this year. This is the last year we'll be paying off debt, I'm so excited about this. We're hoping by the end of the year we'll be moving into our first home.
Lots of Love From: Jamie at 1/02/2008 0 comments