Saturday, December 29, 2007

It's been a while

I haven't really been in the 'blogging' mood lately, but thought I would update everyone on the Howerton's.

We had a GREAT Christmas!!! I really look forward to many more Christmas now that Brayden's catching on. Everything he opened he would say "This is what I always wanted for Christmas, thank you"!!! It was so sweet to hear him say that and see the look on his face when opening a present. He was very thankful for everything he received. He's still thanking Shawnn and I for all of his presents.

The weekend went by so stinkin fast. It was Wednesday and time to head back to work before I knew it. I'm so glad this weekend is going to be all about relaxing. I'm goin tomorrow to pamper myself, I'm goin shoppin then I'm goin to get a manicure. My nails grow but they don't stay pretty, I constantly have to keep them up to make them look half way decent. So I think this is something I'm goin to start doing on a regular basis, it's good me time too!!!

My mom's comin back down Sunday to spend a little bit more time with us before she has to start back to school. It'll be nice to hang out with her. She was here last weekend but it was so busy tryin to finish up Christmas stuff that we really didn't get to hang out allot. Shawnn and I are goin to Ant and Renee's for New Year's, this is something we've been doin for 3 years now. We always have such a good time over there. This year they're having a 'white trash' party, I can't wait to see everyone in their costumes. I've been thinking and asking for some really good costume ideas, and so far I've gotten some really good ones. I'll try to post pics sometime next week!!!

Shawnn went back to the dr. today for a check up on his blood pressure, and his blood pressure was higher today then it ever has been. Very discouraging b/c he was hoping to get off of it soon. It's making him worn out and funny feeling. I'm worried about him and hope this next year we both have better luck when it comes to our health, definately one of our new year resolutions.

Today was my friend Nadine's 29th birthday (she doesn't look a day of 21) so we all went to eat at Chili's, Shawnn didn't go b/c he really wasn't in the mood to deal with people so I went solo. We had a great time and they all went out downtown afterwards but I wanted to come home to my boys. Something about motherhood that changes your priorties. I mean don't get me wrong I love hanging out with my girlfriends and gettin a bit irresponsible from time to time, but it's just not the same as before.

Well I think I've pretty much sum'd it all up, I could ramble on some more but I'll save the rest for later.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a safe new years. I'm so excited I don't have to be back to work until Wednesday, it's goin to be a great loooooonnnnngggg weekend.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Sigh of Relief

I feel so much better right now. I got so much accomplished this afternoon. All the laundry is done and put away, and my carpets are clean. I love the feeling of a clean house, it's very true that having a clean house helps your attitude. This morning I thought I was going to have a breakdown b/c I couldn't find stuff I needed. My house has been torn apart since I was sick a couple of weeks ago, so you can imagine what I was dealing with. I cannot stand clutter. My mom and brother are pack rats and I can't stand it. In my house everything has a place and if it's not in it's place it bothers me. My junk drawers are organized!!! I think I'm a bit obessive complusive, I have gotten better since Shawnn and Brayden came along b/c I don't have much time to care about stupid crap like Shawnn using one of my white hangers or my panties and bras not folded. I mean it bothers me but I try hard not to let it bother me so much. Anyways, I just wanted to write about how I feel so much better!!!!

Tomorrow's Friday and I can't wait for 5:30 to be here.....


DeClutter Me Please

I've taken the afternoon off from work so I could 'get it together' so to speak. I feel like I'm cluttered, does that make sense. I swear if my head weren't screwed on I would have lost it a few days ago. I'm such an organized freak and nothing has been organized here lately. I'm pretty much done with shopping, or at least I think I am. But my car my office my house has been neglected for a couple of weeks and it's catching up with me. I hardly slept last night b/c I laid there thinking Ok I need to do this and this and this and this, until I was mad at all the stuff I need to do. Really it's not allot but b/c everything's so unorganized it seems like so much. So I'm home with my Monster energy drink, some peppy music and cleaning supplies to start decluttering. Wish me luck!!!


Monday, December 17, 2007

Just about Ready

For Christmas that is. We went this weekend to start and finish our Christmas shopping. My wonderful hubby hates shopping so he wants to put it off till the last minute. We had a BIG disscusion this weekend about how he waits till the last minute. I'm a procrastinator but geez, lets get it over worth already. I told him he didn't have to go with me, except to get Brayden's presents. So this weekend was a very very busy weekend for me. Saturday, Brayden and I spent most of the morning at Wal-Mart, getting some things we needed. Then it was off to clean house. I wanted to get our carpet in the living room clean this weekend, but the carpet cleaner isn't working right, or I'm an idiot and don't know how to use it. Doubt that though, b/c I've used it before and didn't have any problems. I was able to get the furniture all clean, Shawnn's suppose to take a look at the cleaner so hopefully we'll get it working right before long. Shawnn had to work Saturday so when he got off at 5 we headed to Toys R Us, man that place was crazy busy. We got most of our shopping done that night and then Sunday I went shopping for everything. Of course I still want to get a few more things so I guess I'll be doing that this weekend. Friday we're going to get nana so she can spend some time with us. This week is going to go by so fast with everything I have to do, buts that's ok b/c I can't wait for Santa to come to our house.

Hope everyone has a great week!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I wanted to thank my friend Nadine, she's a very very good friend. She has done so much for me in ways only her and I know about. Yesterday I went to her house for lunch and vented the entire time I was there, she just listened, didn't cut me off or try to change the subject, just listened. That's great sometimes you just need to get stuff off your chest. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for all of my friends and everyone has a very special place in my heart. All of my friends have done things for me that I know they really are true friends. I hope that all my friends are as thankful for me as I am for them.



Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Found this on someone else blog

You Are Socks!

Cozy and warm... but easily lost.
You make a good puppet.

Monday, December 10, 2007

All I Want for Christmas

Brayden went to see Santa for the 1st time this year a couple of weeks ago, and all he asked for was a Transformer computer! This was the 1st time mommy and daddy had heard about this one. Shawnn and I were thinking it was a made up thing, no commercials, he says he saw it in one of his many toy books, but we never saw it. So not wanting Santa to let the poor guy down, I was about to buy him a computer and put Transformer stickers all over just so he could have one. Then nana (my mom) saved Christmas, she went to K-Mart over the weekend and guess what she found......yep that's right a TRANSFORMER COMPUTER!!!! I was so stinkin excited, it was like I had asked for the computer, and found it under the tree on Christmas morning. I never quite understood when parents would say "don't buy me anything for Christmas, it's more about getting the kids stuff", until this year. This is the first year Brayden really knows what's going on, I love it. My Christmas wish is for his Christmas wish to fufilled. Something tells me it's going to be :} I know that's not what Christmas is about, but it's still fun to get lots of presents and spoil your kiddos.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shawnn Update**

Shawnn goes to the dr. Dec. 14th, so hopefully we'll find out what's goin on with him. He is however feeling much better, he's actually back to his old self.

Other news, Carl's (father in law) dad passed away early Tuesday morning. It was not expected, so it was a shock to us all. He had gotten sick back in May and never got his strength back. We know he's in a better place now. So please keep our family in your prayers.

Hope everyone is having a good week, just 2 more days.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Shawwn & Thanksgiving

Shawnn has been having severe headaches for about 2 months now. After missing lots of work lately and the headaches not getting better he finally went to the dr. last Wednesday. They put him on blood pressure and some headache meds. His blood pressure was a little high she said. They're suppose to be making him an appt. with a regular dr. so he can go in for a complete physical. We know pretty much what they're going to say, he needs to lose weight, which we both know and that's good. The dr. he saw last Wednesday was at Pro-med, so all she said was 'here take this'. So he started the meds that day, he's been severely dizzy and sick whenever he tatkes the blood pressure med. He finally decided he would take them at night, so last night he took them after dinner, and everything seemed fine. Then this morning it started all over again, dizzy and sick to his stomach. He called the dr. and of course the dr. he saw is on vacation and he has to wait to talk to a nurse. I'm getting very worried, his head is constanting hurting. He said this morning, all the lights are bothering him, which usually is a side effect of a migraine, but Shawnn's had migraines and he said this feels nothing like one. The dr. did say if the headaches don't go away he'll have to go in for some tests. I'm trying very hard not to freak out, at first it was easy b/c we found the day before Thanksgiving, so I had lots of stuff to occupy my time with.

As for Thanksgiving it was good. My parents brought Brayden back Wednesday evening, so we had lots of catching up to do. Thursday I got up and started getting things ready for our dinner. My parents had to get back that night b/c my dad had to work Friday : ( so our family dinner got push up by a couple of hours. We headed to grandma's (shawnn's grandma's) for lunch. I already had the turkey in the oven and pies baking before we left. We ate lunch and visited for a couple of hours then headed back home to finish cooking and spend some more time with my parents. Everything turned out great and it was allot easier than I thought it was going to be.

Friday I slept in, no early bird shopping for me. Brayden and I did go to Wal-Mart to finish getting Christmas decorations. Saturday & Sunday were lazy days. We did go yesterday to get the Christmas tree out of storage. Brayden and I spent a few hours putting the tree together and decorating. I still have a few things I want to get to decorate with and I need to start Christmas shopping, horrible I know some people already have all of theirs done. I seem to wait til the last minute to do allot of things.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Holiday Spirit

Today has been a Monday for sure, why are Monday's so crappy?!?!? I know I'm always starting my blogs out complaining about how Monday's stink or the weekend went by too fast or something along those lines, sorry I'm a bit negative today I know. It didn't start out like that, but shortly after getting to work it went down hill. If it wasn't one thing it was another here today. The phone was constant, the lobby was full, I finally went to lunch around 3, crazy. We have our moments like this though, I really need to be positive about it.

The weekend was nice, Shawnn was sick Friday, he got the bug Brayden and I had at the beginning of the week. He managed to ride with me to take Brayden to meet my parents halfway. They're keeping him til Wednesday or Thursday, Brayden loves going to school with his nana and since they only had 2 days this week she asked to keep him. So Shawnn and I had a nice quiet weekend.

This week is the start of the holidays, I'm ready. I went to Wal-Mart last night and picked up some new Christmas decorations, I can't wait to decorate, it's going to look so good. I just knew Shawnn was goin to be just as excited as I was when I told him about the 'black and silver' Christmas decorations. Here's the convo:
Jamie: Hey did I tell you how we're decorating for Christmas this year?!?!?
Shawnn:first of all, we're decorating??!! and secondly, no you didn't...
Jamie:oh you're going to love it, black and silver!!!!!!
Shawnn: that's Raider colors
Jamie: *shoots him the look*, why do you turn everything into FOOTBALL?!?!?!
Shawnn: that sounds great honey
Jamie: that's better....

This week is goin to be a busy one. Glad it's a short work week, I'm ready for some time off of work. Eric and I are cooking Thanksgiving for our parents this year. I'm excited I feel so 'grown up'. We went last night to get the turkey and all the food. Friday I want to do some Christmas shopping, Shawnn and I made our list of who and want we want to get everybody, now we just have to get it all. Plan on decorating for Christmas and relax.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 12, 2007


It's Monday again!!!

Feeling pretty blah today not sure what's up but it needs to go away. I'm feelin like this week is goin to drag by, because next weeks Thanksgiving and I'm off Thursday and Friday. I hate when that happens, not getting off work 2 days in a row but when the week drags by. Maybe I should try not rushing it, huh??

This past weekend was ok, not great, not bad, just ok. I was sickly most of it. I woke up Saturday morning all congested, so I slept most of Saturday. Not at all what I had planned to do! Then yesterday I woke up feeling good and then bam! just like that I got a migraine, 3rd one in a month!! I'm thinking maybe it's due to being outside for long periods of time. Saturday night we went to a bonfire, and I'm thinking the smoke from that help contribute to the migraine. So yesterday around 11:30 I was taking meds. and goin back to bed. Again, not what I had planned for the day. So needless to say my weekend didn't go quite as planned.

I did meet some new friends this weekend. Not sure what's gotten into my husband here lately but we've been doin lots lately. I'm not complaining because I'm lovin it!!! Shawnn's a major I mean MAJOR homebody, so for him to spend 4 weekends in a row doin something that's way big!!! .

Friday, November 9, 2007

I Love This.......


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

~~Christmas Decorations~~

Call me crazy, or non traditional but this year for Christmas I'm decorating our tree and Apt. in black and silver!! I love it, Nadine and I were at Sam's on night when we found black and silver Christmas cards. We both fell in love! I've been looking at the Christmas decorations at Wal-Mart and saw all of their black and silver decorations and I'm falling in love even more, so I've decided that's what it's going to be.


Let the Stress Begin....

So the holidays are approaching fast, I'm excited about it but yet I'm starting to stress already. I'm telling myself "you will not stress this year, you will enjoy the holidays and that's it". When I was younger I loved the holidays, you get out of school, people buy you stuff, you get to eat great food, see your family, what's there not to like and be happy about?!? Well then I became an adult and a parent and things are allot different now. I work a full time job, yes we'll be closed the day of Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and the day after Christmas, but I don't get off work like I did when I was in school. People still buy me stuff, but I also have to buy people stuff, still get to eat great food, but I feel guilty about stuffing my face these days, still get to see family which is wonderful. But it's not the same as when I was a kid, I have more worries then I did then. I now have a second family that I have to share holidays with, before all I had to worry about was my family. How do you make holidays fair?? I mean someone's got to be put on the back burner and I hate that, it stresses me out!!!! Shawnn and I will have to come up with a plan so we get to see all of our families and no one's left out. I just don't know how to make this happen. But regardless I'm going to enjoy the holidays for my sake and my families sake. This is the first year Brayden really knows what's goin on, and that makes me happy yet still stressed. But I'm trying very hard to make the happiness out weigh the stress, I have too. Everything Brayden sees he says "I want that, ohh I want that too". A three year old has no concept of money or can't understand you can't have everything you want. We've already been telling him "Brayden Santa can't bring you everything you want or ask for, he has to take toys to all the boys and girls in the world". But I'm loving how excited he's getting about it all.

I'm thinking of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for my family this year. It'll be the first time, my mom has always cooked Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner so this year I want her to be able to sit back and enjoy her time off work. I'll keep you updated.

I know I've done lots of rambling today but hey that is the name of my game right?!?!


Monday, November 5, 2007

~~Busy But Fun Weekend~~

This weekend was lots of fun, I haven't had that busy of a weekend in a long time. Friday night, Brayden and I went to get our haircut, man we were both overdue. I was very proud of Brayden he did everything the lady told him to do, he even sit there while I got my haircut, very good for a 3 year old!

Saturday Brayden went with my aunt to a family reunion where he got to hang out with his nana and papaw while Shawnn and I went to the Razorback game. We had a great time. It was my first game to go to, so it was very exciting for me. Apparently I picked a good game to go to b/c we WON!! Definatly not something I would want to do every home game. To Shawnn and I we have just as much fun hanging out with friends grilling and watching the game on T.V., but it's something I want to do at least a couple of times a season. We went to Hog Haus Brewery, really cool. The guys enjoyed different kinds of beer while I stuck to Bud Light. Then we headed to the game to find parking, we ran into a friend of Shawnn's who was parked close to the game so we parked there tailgated for a bit then off to the game we went.

Yesterday I was suppose to go get my permenant eyeliner. I woke up all stopped up and had a horrible headache so I didn't think it would be very smart if I went and had my eyes poked with a needle, so I stayed home. Hopefully I'll get to go have it done in a few weeks.

This coming weekend I plan on getting Christmas stuff ready, maybe doin a little Christmas shopping and get our house good and clean.

Hope everyone has a good week!


Friday, November 2, 2007

Where has the Year Gone??

I cannot believe we're officially in November! I'm so excited about the upcoming holidays, Brayden is really into everything this year. Halloween was absolutely wonderful, it brought back so many memories of Halloween as a child. I had planned on taking him to the mall then to some church festivities but instead we went door to door trick or treating and it was the best. I loved trick or treating as a child and I'm so glad I got to take Brayden. Anymore you never know, it's so risky and so many people don't do the door to door anymore. We went to Fianna Hills, it was crazy up there. There were so many trick or treaters up there, it was great though. I asked Brayden on our way home if he had a good time and he said "that was awesome mommy". I can only imagine what next year's goin to be like, I'm so excited! We received the Toys R Us biggest book ever the other day, I showed it to Brayden and he's been in heaven ever since. He looks at it all the time showing Shawnn and I all the stuff he wants, I told him he'll need to show all of that stuff to Santa. At first he asked if I could tell Santa what he wanted, I said no you need to tell him. So it's been exciting watching him get excited about Christmas and Santa Claus.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

~HaPpY HaLlOwEeN~

Hope everyone's having a good Halloween so far. Our's was pretty good until about 2, I got a call from Brayden's daycare this morning, he's been complaining of his left eye hurting, they just wanted to let me know. Then about 2 they called back Brayden's still complaining and crying so Shawnn went to pick him up and then I'm goin home at 3. I hope he doesn't end up sick today, I don't want him to miss out on trick or treating.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Most of my friends know that I've suffered from depression. This all started after I had Brayden, post partum depression. I tried not taking anything but eventually I had too. The Dr. prescribed me Lexapro which is a great medication for depression and anxiety (which I also had). When I first started taking it I had insurance, and for almost 2 years now I haven't had insurance so I've been paying $80 a month for a long time. My pharmacist told me last month to check with my Dr. about switching to Celexa, so yesterday I called the Dr. and he switched me to the genric of Celexa. So instead of paying $80 a month I'll only be paying $4 a month!!!! I'm so excited about that.

I'm also excited that I hadn't had my medicine since Saturday evening and I felt fine. Anyone who's been depressed or has had an anxiety attack knows that's great to 'feel fine'. My depression and anxiety wasn't severe like some peoples, but it was severe to me, if that makes sense. I feel good about talking about this topic, some people think being depressed means you're not happy with your life or you're crazy, which both can cause depression. Well I can safely say in my situation I was happy with my life, things just weren't right up stairs, no I'm not crazy and didn't want to end my life or anyone elses, I had a chemical imbalance and that caused me to be depressed and anxious. I personally think there are lots of people that need to be on medication but are to ashamed to take it b/c they're afraid of what people will think, I say this b/c I was one of those people. Now I don't care, the medicine made me better and that's the important thing. I have no problem telling people my story and how I feel compared to how I felt 2 1/2 years ago. Maybe this blog will change other peoples outlook and maybe it'll help someone!


~My Husband is a Great Man~

This morning I dropped one of my expensive earrings down the bathroom sink. Last night I was laying in bed and for some weird reason I started thinking about how I haven't dropped an earring or a ring down the sink, it's one of my fears. Then guess what I did this morning. Shawnn was walking by the bathroom when it happened and I gasped, so he quickly opened the door and said WHAT DID YOU DO?!?! So I told him and he got down there and fished it out. I was so thankful he was able to get it out so fast. I've learned my lesson, never will I put my earrings on in the bathroom.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Well, it's Monday again, I wish I didn't have to work on Mondays, but then I probably wouldn't like Tuesdays! Our weekend was great, Friday night we just hung out at home so we could do some laundry and get the house 'reorganized'. Saturday evening we took Brayden trick or treating in Van Buren, it was a good time for him, he didn't get much candy but thats ok. Uncle Eric made him a goodie bag so it more than made up for the candy he didn't get trick or treating. Hopefully he'll get lots of candy Wednesday. Yesterday we finished up laundry and I finally got all of our summer clothes packed up and stored. So I feel much more organized this week then I have in a while. It's amazing how good I feel when I have everything done and organized on Monday. Welp, here's to another fun filled work week. Oh and it's the last few days of the month, gettin closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas!! Hope everyone has a great Halloween and a great week.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall has official arrived

WoW!! I can't believe the difference in the weather, this past weekend I was burning up in short sleeves and jeans, now I have a turtleneck and the heater on, crazy southern weather. Not complaining just stating!!

I have to share this story:
This morning we had to stop by the bank before going to daycare. Brayden loves to stop by the bank to see 'the girls' & get stickers so I always take him with me. Well so we're at the stop light that doesn't stay green but for a split second, and the people in front of me are not in any hurry obviously, so I say to them "for the love of god, will you please go!!!!!", Brayden says "mommy, don't talk that, you love people". He's so right, I don't need to be so hurried, I'm not always like that but I was a little cranky this morning. So after we left the bank I proceeded to tell Brayden that I was cranky, he says "you better not be cranky or you'll have to have a talk with daddy". Where that came from I have no idea but it was very funny. I just love my little sugar booger, he knows just when to say the right things.

Tonight we're craving our pumpkin nana brought us from Oklahoma!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This is the perfect quote......


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some of our Troops are HOME!!!!

This is just wonderful!!!

This makes me feel so good, knowing so many mom's, dad's, daughters, son's, grandkids, grandparents, neices and nephews are finally back with their families. My friend Monica's husband Kelly, was one of those troops that got to come home today. Monica has patiently been waiting for this day for over a year. I remember having dinner with her back in January and us talking about him coming home in October. I told her it would be here before she knew it. Much easier for me to say seeing as how I wasn't in her shoes, but it's finally here!!! Now we just need to bring the rest of the troops home!!!!

~~Welcome Home~~

Monday, October 15, 2007

Park hoppin'

This weekend was a very relaxing weekend. Saturday Brayden & I went park hoppin', we went to Ben Geren (I took tons of pics but of course forgot my cord so I can't download them) played for a couple of hours, then went to Carol Ann Cross and played for another hour or so. Yesterday, we took Brayden bowling for the first time. We got to the bowling alley around 11 am, Brayden was soooo I mean sooooo excited. We walk up to the doors and guess what?? they were closed!!! They didn't open till 1 on Sunday. So that just broke his little heart, he didn't understand the concept of time and they weren't open. So to 'kill' time we went back to the park and had lunch at Brayden's favorite eating spot, McDonald's!!! Then we finally got to go back to the bowling alley, it was too cute!!! Again I have pics that I'll try key word try to post tomorrow.

Nana's headin to town this week!! We're so excited, she hasn't been here since before her school started back around the beginning of August. We're goin to go shopping this weekend, Brayden Cole needs some new clothes and a much needed haircut. Oh and some new shoes. Bless his heart he only has 1 pair of tennis shoes and a pair of biker boots (that are stinkin cute by the way) but the boy likes shoes he needs a variety. Ok so maybe he doesn't need a variety but he does like shoes and mommy needs a variety to put him in!! I swear if daycare didn't know any better they would think he's an orphan. His hair's shaggy lookin, he wears the same pair of shoes everyday so needless to say they're starting to look a little ragdy. I put him in a pair of jeans last week and yes they were a little shorter than last year but heck they weren't quite the high waters you see, Shawnn made me promise I would never put him in those again. So this weekend we're on the hunt for clothes for Brayden. Friday night we're goin to the Greenwood game. Teresa's son Zach plays for Greenwood and is awesome, PLUS, Howie's callin that game. I thought Brayden would enjoy watchin his Howie 'play' football.

Brayden's once again changed his mind about what he wants to be for Halloween...........a biker (he refers to it as a 'motorcycle man'), I was so excited because it's more original than power rangers, superman or batman. But I have a problem, where am I goin to find all the 'biker' stuff, like chaps & a jacket. I don't want to spend allot but I want him to be cute. So I don't know what he'll be!! Shawnn reminded me that he'll be whatever we buy, he (brayden) doesn't care. Which is true!!!



Last night I picked up a magazine to read and the first page I turned to was an article about CONTENTMENT, such a big thing for me. Something I've thinking allot about is the fact that people may not be what they seem to be. An example the magazine gave was this counselor was counseling a husband who wanted his wife to be more like so and so he gave a name of a woman in his church, come to find out that woman was an alcoholic and her family was going thru allot. I do wonder about this often, our people REALLY as happy and rich as they appear?? Just something to ponder. This article gave some 'exercises' to do to become content, it's a learned thing not something money can buy.

Friday, October 12, 2007


I was sickly this morning, noooooo I'm not pregnant for those of you who are wondering!!! I took some medication this morning and I think it just didn't settle well with me, apparently waffles wasn't enough food!! So I went home early for lunch hoping to feel better and I did. Shawnn had a couple of people over watching a dvd for this 'thing'( I call it a 'thing b/c I don't know the name) we're in these days. It was pretty embrassing when I take off running to the bathroom to 'take care' of business. So my hopes of feeling better after eating lunch worked. I was so glad for that I hate feeling crappy especially when I have to work!! I figured since I barfed up everything I had ate today I deserved some french fries, oh and were they yummy!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I've lost a total of 8 lbs, so yay for that. The first week or two you usually lose 3 to 5 lbs. after that the norm is a about 2 lbs. I'm still walking in the mornings, and thinkin about walking another mile in the evenings, it takes me less than 30 mins. to walk a mile so I'm sure I can make time to do it in the evenings.

My next quit smoking. I could kick myself for starting back up. I had quit the whole time I was pregnant with Brayden and almost 2 years after he was born, then started back up. It's such a nasty habit, I don't want to be a smoker. Plus it's $4 a pack, there are way more things I would like to spend my money on then cigs. So today is my 2nd day of no smoking, I'll admit I'm a little more on edge but it'll be ok and will get better.

Shawnn will pay grandma his last payment in June actually should be June 4th 2008, of $100!!! I'm so excited. We still won't be buying a house next summer b/c of other things we want to pay off. I've mentioned this before so I'm not goin to bore people with it again, if you want to read about it's titled 'Goals'.

Nadine and I had our yard sale last weekend, we did pretty good on Friday but Saturday was an absolute joke, I made $10 on Saturday. But hey at least I got rid of some stuff and did make $68, that's $68 more than what I had Thursday!! Gotta look at from a 'half glass full' point of view.

I think that's about everything for now, sorry my blogs are a bit on the boring side. I've never been much of a writer, but I'm trying.


Friday, October 5, 2007

Weekend Already

I can't believe it's Friday already!!!

Nadine and I are having our annual yard sale this weekend. This has been the least stressed yard sale I've ever had, well besides doin the kid sale each Spring and Fall, but that to me doesn't count as a yard sale. I pretty much had all of my stuff priced and ready to go, just had to get it all out of the boxes and organized. I talked to Nadine a little earlier and I've already made $56, that's great too me. I'm just glad to get rid of the crap!!

So tomorrow's plans: yard sale from 6:30 to noon, then I'm hoping for rain and storms tomorrow afternoon, we have no plans for the rest of the weekend. My house is CLEAN, YaY!! SO I'll actually get to relax and spend good quality time with my boys.

Hope everyone's week was good and their weekend is even better.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Where does the time go!?!?!

~Brayden Halloween 2006~

Monday is the 1st of October, can you believe it, I can't!!! Where has this year gone. I still remember bein pregnant with Brayden just like it was yesterday. Heck I still remember mine and Shawnn's first date just like it was yesterday. That's been 4 years ago. People always tell me once you have kids time really flies, and that's so true. I've also heard once they start school, you better hold on because if you think it's gone by fast before it's about to go super fast. I'm such a rambler, anyways, I thought I would change my template to get ready for Halloween and Fall.
Bye Bloggy!!! ~Jamie~
p.s. it's really starting to look 'fallish' outside!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Way to GO!!!!

Well I went ahead and weighed and................................

I lost 5 lbs.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very proud of myself, and hope it just keeps gettin easier and easier.

Where do the weekends go?!?!

We had a pretty uneventful weekend!! So not much to write about. Saturday evening we did go to a wedding reception for Kevin & Clarissa (Kevin is Shawnn's cousin). Brayden had a blast, when it was time to go he told Shawnn and I that 'that was a party'!!! Glad to know he had a good time. Yesterday Shawnn watched football and I did my usual laundry, dishes, and cleaning the bathroom!!

I'm on my second week of ww's and walking every morning. Today I'm suppose to weigh myself but I'm scared. What if I didn't lose anything, I'm tempted to not weigh and wait til next week.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gettin the Hang of This......

I've been messin around on here and kind of started to figure things out.........I'm a little bothered right now, Two people I went to school with have passed away. Rachael had epilepsy, she had a seizure and drown in her bathtub. I feel so bad for her family losing their daughter at a young age. All the things she'll miss out on and her family will miss out on with her. I know she's in a better place but it's still sad to think of such a horrible way to go. The other person that passed away killed his self, I didn't know him but knew of him. He had a six year old son, I feel for his son. There's no way he can begin to understand why this has happened. I hope I never have to experience anything like either of these families have experienced............On a different much happier note (well for me anyways) I've started weight watchers (ww) and started walking a mile every morning. I feel very confident right now but I have my moments. The best feeling is the accomplishment so far is making it this far. I know it's only been four days but, that's allot for some people. I'm so scared of failure, I haven't signed up for the meetings b/c what if I fail, I want to get an ipod so I can listen to music as I walk but I won't yet b/c what if I fail. I know that sounds harsh and maybe some might think I'm setting myself up for failure. I see it as if I get these things and fail then I'll beat myself up about it but if I don't get these things and fail then at least I didn't waste the money. I have a great support team though so that makes it lots easier. My mom is the BEST, she's done the whole ww thing and it worked great for her, so she knows how I feel. So she's tryin to give me the best advice and she's doin a great job. Shawnn told me last night how proud of me he is and that's great to hear from anyone but especially your husband. Some might think my husband is a little on the harsh side but I think he's the sweetest most thoughtful man alive. Shawnn's a kidder if you can't handle jokes and being teased Shawnn's not the kind of person to be around. He's not mean about it and wouldn't dare kid with someone he just met or doesn't know (unless he gets that 'vibe' from you)..........Brayden told me yesterday that it was "such a lucky day", where he got this from I have no idea but it was sooooo stinkin cute. Well I'm goin to try to do a better job of blogging. I just really enjoy reading everyone's blog. Some of the people I've never met and I feel like I know their life story. Hope everyone has a great rest of the day and IT'S FRIDAY tomorrow!!!! WOOHOO music to my ears. Bye guys!!


Friday, September 14, 2007


I've been doin allot of thinking lately about my goals. I've never been one to have goals for myself, guess if I would've then maybe I would've gone to college right after high school. I've always known I would go to college at some point in my life just didn't know when. I felt like goin right after high school wasn't the 'time' for me. I didn't want to waste my parents money by partying all the time (and that's probably what I would've done). But anyways, I really want to go back to school and every since I had Brayden it's been at the top of my list. I want to be able to give Brayden everything he wants (well not everything but you know what I mean) and needs, and not going to college makes that kind of life hard to imagine. Everything's so expensive these days. I mean they're talking about gas prices goin up and I already pay out the butt for gas plus you have daycare, which seems like every time I turn around is goin up. It's usually the most expensive when they're newborns and gets cheaper as they get older (which it has) but right when our daycare fee was about to go down they had a rate increase b/c of the increase in minuim wage. Well Shawnn and I didn't get a raise when minuim wage increased but we noticed everything else went up. Groceries went up, daycare went up, just the whole 'cost of living' went up, which is to be expected but come on!! I get so urked when I start thinking about the cost of stuff. But anyways, back to my main reason for blogging (I have a tendacy to get side tracked and on another story easily). My goals!! I really want to go to school but I don't want to go part time. I watched my mom do that and bless her heart she was a strong and determined woman!! She worked a full time job and went to school part time after working and going to school all day she then had to come home and take care of a family. Well I don't want to do that, if I have to I know I can but........So, we will have Shawnn's grandma paid off by the end of next summer(woohoo, that's music to my ears). That'll be an extra $600 a month, Shawnn and I both will be getting raises in March and April so we'll have more money there too. So with that extra money we are goin to double up on my car payments so we can hurry up and get that paid off. After paying off my car we are planning on saving that extra $600 month and start HOUSE SHOPPING (more music to my ears). We want the 'perfect for us house' so this may take a while. Brayden will start preschool next year so we will have that $400 a month to save as well so once we get the car paid off and get settled in our house I can quit work and start goin to school full time. I'm not opposed to having to work a part time job, but it will be a part time job. I want to work 2 to 3 days a week from 9 to 2 and that's it, no Fridays or weekends. I'm so excited about my goals, it's really helped me. It makes not blowing money so much easier b/c I keep thinking to myself there's a light at the end of the tunnel (the debt tunnel) and we (shawnn and I) will be able to start over. We are so fortunate that Shawnn's grandma paid off some major debt Shawnn had before we got together. Shawnn had tons of credit card debt, it could've been a bad thing if he's grandma wouldn't have been there to help him out. So b/c of he's debt we've had to live on a tight I mean tight budget for 4 years. It's been very hard and at times depressing but now that we see that light we feel so much better. We know that once we get all this paid off we will NEVER go back down that road again. We will have maybe one credit card just in case of emergencies(but I am working on an emergency fund so hopefully we won't have to use that credit card). I'm so stinkin excited about all of this. LIFE really is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Weekend in Ardmore

Well I'm a little behind on blogging. Brayden and I headed to Ardmore last Thursday night got there about 9:30. Friday we hung out with our friends Jennifer and her 2 kiddos. We had a great time, it's been a long time since Jennifer had seen Brayden. The kids got along great which gave Jennifer and I lots of time to catch up. Friday evening we all went to the county fair. Brayden had a ball (I'll follow with pics later). Saturday we headed to Sulpher to play at the park for the day. But as soon as we got settled it started to rain. So we went to another part of the park and the rain followed. We finally made it to the nature center just in time too. Once we got inside it came a down pour. So we looked around at all the creatures they had in there. They had a snake in a cage and in the cage with that snake was his dinner, a mouse! I felt so bad for that mouse b/c at some point that day he was goin to be that snakes dinner. Anyway, the rain finally stopped and we headed back to enjoy some more of the park. We drove around to different parts of the park and looked around. Saturday evening we cooked dinner for nana and pawpaw for grandparents day. We headed home Sunday morning so we could cook dinner for grandma fitch bugga and howie. So it was a great weekend!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I've decided to start blogging. I really enjoy reading everyone elses blog so I thought I should give it a try. I have lots of family and friends that live far away so I figure this will give them a chance to get 'caught up' on what's goin on in the Howerton home. Also I've been thinkin how I should start writing down all the funny things Brayden says to us. The little guy is hilarious, kids really do say the darnest things. Well I hope everyone enjoys reading our blog as much as I enjoy reading theirs.
